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MAJIA| jia
Atlanta 📍

I was worried about Savior, even if his mama hated me. Mani still wasn't up from surgery and it had been a day. Savior told me he hasn't even left the hospital since he got there.

After we kissed, my feelings for him immediately intensified and I didn't know if I should act on it. My last relationship made me want to stay single forever.

But there was something about Savior that made me wanna try this out. I was just scared that it wouldn't work out and we wouldn't be able to stay friends.

My plans for today were to stop by my parents house and ask them about what Savior's disrespectful ass mama was talking about. I was beyond curious. Then, I was gonna stop by the hospital and check on Savior.

I put on some leggings and a loose crew neck sweatshirt. When I left the house, I texted Lijah to make sure my parents were home and they were.

"Hey, mama," I greeted my mom as she sat in the living room.

"Gigi! Come give me a hug, girl," She spread her arms out and I went over to her.

"Where's my daddy at?"

"One sec- Leo! Leo, come down here!" She yelled up the stairs.

"Yo, you needa chill out! I'm coming, damn."

My dad came downstairs and his face lit up when he saw me. I noticed that he and Ma had on matching blue onesies. These people I swear.

"Hey, lil Gee. You look like you got sum on your chest," he sat across me on the opposite couch.

"Cause I do."

We all kinda just stared at each other.

"So, is you gon say it or we all just gon sit here watching each other?" Ma interrupted.

"Well, so- I have a friend and his mama don't like me. I met her yesterday and she was talking mad reck to me. She was saying how she knew I was 'Mar's son' and stuff."

"What's the bitch's name?" Pops asked.

"She say her name is Ashley."

Both of their facial expressions immediately changed and pops took a deep breath. Yikes.

"I already beat that bitch's ass one time and now she wanna talk like that to my daughter? Baby, you should kill her," Ma told him.

"Nah, I'm not killing her and you not fighting her. What she say we did, Gigi?"

"She said yall did something to her husband or sum like that. She tryna tell me to stay away from her son, too."

"She's crazy. She had a whole ass kid and another nigga and hid it from your uncle Germ. And then, Germ killed that nigga. I didn't know he was gon kill him, but I ain't snitch on him or nothing. Your mama beat her ass cause she came in here and tried to start sum. Ashley just needed someone to be mad at. Don't let her keep talking to you like that, ight?"

Uncle Germ only came around a few times a year. Him and my parents weren't as close as they used to be, I guess. I never would have thought he'd be responsible for the death of Savior's dad.

"I wasn't going to."

Mama turned toward me, "So, you date her son?"

She was so nosy all the time, but I loved her.

"Nah, we're just really close friends."

"Yeah, that's what your brother said about Des at some point."

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