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"𝑴𝒊𝒅𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑺𝒌𝒚"
MAJIA | gee
Atlanta 📍

" Hello? Hi, this is Majia King, yes." I put my ear to the cold phone of the front desk.

"Mr. Anthony told me to speak with you about the price of the piece that I'm buying." A woman's voice spoke into the phone.

I had redone the whole piece that I started yesterday.  Yesterday's picture was unfixable, so I had to start over. The new version was how I wanted it and a version that I could sign with pride.

"Yes, okay. A painting like this usually costs about $700 dollars based on the size, effort, and the material used. This is pretty big compared to a lot of my other works, so $700 is a good estimate. If you want me to put on a custom frame, it'll be $800. Is this alright with you?" I explained.

"Yes! I expected it to be around there, so this is perfect. I'll have you go ahead and put on the frame and I'll be there to pick it up sometime this week. Thank you so much."

"No problem! Have a good day." I put the phone back in its resting place.

I went to sit down on my drawing stool, but Savior was walking through the door.

"Hey, Gee." He set down his stuff.

"Hey, wassup?"

"Nun, Ant put up that painting in the gallery yesterday. You want me to show you?" Savior offered.

That brought me joy. His work deserved to be displayed to the public. It was beautiful.

"Yes! Oh my gosh, you must be so excited. Come on take me on out there." I always got jumpy about stuff like this.

"Hold up. I gotta put this stuff down." He went to our corner.

"Really? Nigga, how you gon get me all excited then have me wait?" I joked.

"Man, now you'll be able to appreciate it more when we get out there. And stop tryna make me feel guilty," He turned his head and saw me leaning against the wall in boredom.

Savior, finally, came over and grabbed my wrist to take me over there through the crowd. It was a Friday and Friday was always one of our busiest days.

I looked down at my wrist wrapped in his big hand. Lord, he had nice hands. You know those hands that have veins that you can see, but they look clean and taken care of? Those hands, but with rings. He could put that hand in-

"Here it is." His face lit up like a little kid's when he pointed to it.

My eyes widen. It looked even better than before. The spotlight above it illuminated the points of contrast and the brightness of the blues in it. The white wall that was situated behind it contributed to making it stand out.

"It looks amazing. You did that shit, period." I was hype for him.

"I ain't finna say period, but yesssirrr," He smiled. Whew. "Thanks, Jia."

I smiled back at him as we wove through people to get into the back. I needed to start making the frame for this picture. I gathered up some dark wood and thin glass.

"Jia? I got sum to ask you," Savior got my attention.


"What you think makes something art?" That caught me off guard.

I leaned back against the wall that supported me as I sat on the floor and thought about it, "Hmmm, Ion know. I think art should mean something to someone. Art is subjective, but if it has no meaning then what can anyone see in it besides another random image?"

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