Part 14: The Final Straw

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Months ago, Shrek and Farquad did date, but they had a love triangle with another person named Rumpelstiltskin. Last time they saw him, he vanished when they were having a picnic near the swamp. He was pulled into the bushes and was kidnapped by Fiona. They didn't know that Fiona was the one who kidnapped him though, so the mystery remained. They certainly weren't expecting to see him standing in front of them at this moment.

"RUMPELSTILTSKIN!?!? " Shrek and Farquad cried.

"Who? " Donkey asked.

"Hello, baes. " Rumpelstiltskin gave out a groggy giggle.

"What are you doing here? " Shrek asked.

"Yeah, last time we saw you, you disappeared at our picnic, " Farquad explained.

Rumpelstiltskin groaned. "This lady kidnapped me. Don't worry though, I was having a great time with her. " He made goo goo eyes at Fiona.

Farquad looked at Shrek. "He has Stockholm Syndrome. He has completely fallen in love with that animal. "

"He likes Donkey? " Shrek asked.

"No, idiot, " Farquad said as he face palmed his head. "The other animal. "

"Ahh, Fiona. "

"Yes, now shut up. "

Rumpelstiltskin continued. "She told me everything, how you guys never bothered to look for me after I was gone. Are you two still together? "

"Of course not you dunce, " Shrek said. "Can't you see I'm trying to save Donkey? That's because I'm dating him. "

"Oh, then why did you bring Stubby Legs over there? "

"Because if he didn't help me, I was gonna leave him with Crazy Girl, who, shockingly is right here. "  Shrek rolled his eyes.

"Why would you leave him with Fiona? She loves me. "

"Sorry to break it to you, bub, but Fiona likes Farquad, and she even tried to sleep with him. "

Rumpelstiltskin looked at Fiona. "Is this true? "

"No, they're lying to you. That's why we need to destroy them, " Fiona explained.

"It is true, " Farquad said. "I wish it wasn't, though. "

"I don't believe you, I only trust Fiona. That's why I will destroy you two for never caring about me. "

Rumpelstiltskin looked at Fiona, then Tinkerbell. Then he looked back at Dragon, who was clutching Donkey in her fists. " You two are dead meat. "

Shrek and Farquad looked at each other.

"We are outnumbered, " Farquad whispered at Shrek.

"No duh, Stupid. We have to fight them on our own, " Shrek sighed.

Then the two teams began their battle.

Shrek X Donkey X Farquad: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now