Part 8: Together At Last

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Fiona and Tinkerbell eventually reaches the abandoned strip club. They stood outside the building and observed the place. Everything was dusty and either broken or old.

Fiona looked at Tinkerbell. "Is this the place where dragon lives?" Tinkerbell nodded.

"Good. Let's go look for the dragon inside. " They walked in the club and saw nothing because it was so dark. Tinkerbell lit the torches on the wall and they saw that they were in a hallway. They walked till they came across double doors. Fiona kicked the doors open.

They came inside the room and saw that the room was already lit. They saw the dragon crying while twirling around a large pole. The dragon then noticed Fiona and Tinkerbell, got up to them and became angry.

Fiona bowed. "Oh mighty dragon, please help us. " Tinkerbell then signalled Fiona to stand up because what she was doing is stupid, and that's what she did.

The dragon had a questionable face, so Fiona explained more.

"We know about your ex, Donkey. " The Dragon growled. "We want him dead, and we figured that you might wanna help us since he dumped you for that slimy ogre. Are you in? "

The dragon thought about it for a second then nodded. She had a Grinch smile on her face.

"Good. We need a plan tho. I know that Donkey was kidnapped by Farquad and put in his dungeon, so Tinkerbell can pretend to help him fly him out of there. Then she can bring him here for you to finish him off. Then I can knock out all the guards and find Farquad. He's tiny, so I'll have no problem carrying him to his bedroom. There, I can seduce him to be with him. The ogre will be dead because the townpeople will think that he killed Farquad for kidnapping Donkey, so they'll try to kill him. Then I can take Farquad to my castle to be with him forever. Donkey and that ugly ogre will be dead. Everyone's happy! Any questions?"

The dragon and Tinkerbell had a puzzled look on their face, but they agreed to go with the plan.

They then stared at each other with Grinch smiles for 10 minutes before going on with their plan.

Shrek X Donkey X Farquad: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now