Part 7: Finding Love

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Donkey woke up in a bedroom. He looked around and noticed that the room looks like a honeymoon suite. He was very uncomfortable, but he was not expecting Farquad in the bed.

Donkey was horrified of the sight of Farquad.

"Why hello, Donkey, " Farquad greeted.

Donkey then remembered the day when he went swimming.

"It's you. You were the peeping Tom that was watching me while sunbathing, " Donkey said.

"Yes, that was me, " Farquad teased. "You were a sight for sore eyes, so I am proposing that you and me get together. "

"And you had to kidnap me to say so?"

"Yes, I like you a lot. If you don't want to get together with me, I can simply put you in my dungeon. However, if you choose to be with me, come in bed with me and I'll give you the best time of your life. "

"You're not even giving me a choice. "

"I know. " Farquad giggled.

"Shrek will save me, you'll see, " Donkey ensured.

Farquad scoffed. "I would like to see him try. "

Meanwhile, Shrek snuck into the palace like he did the other night when spying on Farquad. He swam through the sewage pipes up to Farquads bathroom and climbs out the window sill. Then he snuck up to Farquads bedroom and sees Farquad and Donkey in the bedroom.

"Donkey! Don't worry I'll save you! " Shrek yelled.

Farquad them pulled out a crossbow and shot Shrek in the arm. In pain, Shrek let go of the window sill and fell 420 stories into a hay bale. He was unconscious. Farquad thought he died and looked at Donkey, who was staring, eyes wide, at the window.

"Your lover is gone. Now you can be with me, " Farquad exclaimed.

"Are you kidding me!? After what you just did to Shrek I will definitely never be with you, " Donkey cried.

"Fine. Guards! Take this animal to the dungeon! " Guards cane into the room in seconds and grabed Donkey. They dragged him to the dungeon and threw him into a wall. Donkey was knocked out.

Shrek X Donkey X Farquad: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now