🎆 LXXXV: Memories (2)

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The first thing that man sees in the morning and the last thing he sees before he goes to sleep is a beach volleyball. He has spent and dedicated more time in his life in the beach than ever actually communicating with people.

He was that kind of idiot— an idiot sought after by many people but doesn't really know that he's sought after. He prioritizes his interests over anything else and anything other than that, he ignores.

So yes, this sense of panic was valid. You just wished Norrie also felt the same way.

"Oh and he says he's meeting up with someone." Norrie suddenly adds and you blink.

What. "But Lawrence doesn't know anyone in Japan." You say as a matter of fact.

"Maybe he does? He might have met someone that was from Japan when you were on  the internship program???" She asks, guessing and you think about it.

Did he? But yeah, he did also went for some place when you left for the summer program. But that's weird. He doesn't usually meet people that he's willing to visit right after.  

"Hmmm. Maybe." You hum, "Loosen up. He's a grown guy. He needs to experience the world for himself! Even if the world wants him. He needs to realize all of that himself."

Impossible. He's been with your family for how long and has been surrounded by people who has faces that were plastered on billboards and magazine covers. He doesn't know a face like his isn't something people see on a daily basis. He doesn't know he has a lethal face! So he will not understand why everyone is making a fuss about him even if people tells him that it's because he look attractive.

"Why did he bring you along though?" You asked and she immediately answers. "He doesn't want to carry those luxury brand items you told him to bring along."

AHHH. No wonder. You actually just realized what would happen if a man with that kind of face brought all those things with him alone.

"Did you bring all of them?" You suddenly asked, remembering them. "Yes, yes. Though I thought you'd be using them right now for the shoot."

"Ahh. Yeah, later." You say as you look elsewhere. "You didn't go through them, right?" You suddenly asked and she blinks.

"Girl. The only thing I take interest in... is food." she says as a matter of fact but you went back to topic.

The Little and the Giant (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant