Chapter 15

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Maylis raced to the ramparts as fast as her armour would allow. Soldiers marched on the left side of the corridor whilst the civilians fled in the opposite direction, being led to a place of safety. The voice in her head told her to join them but in her heart, she wanted to fight.

"What are you doing here?" cried Leon. He pulled her aside, into a nook. Shadows of flames danced across the window. "You don't have to do this," he said. "You owe us nothing."

"What else would I do? Run? My mother gave her life to make sure they couldn't hurt anyone ever again. I'm not letting that be for nothing." Leon glanced away. She stepped closer to him. "If anything happens," she said. "I want you to know that I'm glad to have met you. Properly, I mean." Why was he standing there, barely talking? Didn't he have more important things to do? His men were heading up the stairs without him.

Leon's eyes glazed over. Brown dots scattered his irises like lily pads on a pond. His forehead creased slightly. He looked as if he was about to say something, but didn't get a chance. The window shattered. Leon shielded Maylis, shards of glass scratching his face. An arrow splintered into the wooden door opposite. An inch lower and it could've been the end. Maylis grasped Leon's hand, and they raced to the ramparts, dodging the debris and flaming arrows that flew through the windows.

Once they had reached the top, the sound of screaming caught Maylis's attention. She rushed to the side and leant over the wall. Buildings blazed and crackled. Blackened market stalls crumbled into glowing embers. She could hear Leon shouting orders to his men. They fired arrows towards the smoke. Was anyone out there? Was this simply some big distraction? One of the men shoved a bow into Maylis's arms as they barged past, and she got to work immediately, scanning the ground for a moving target.

Her hand trembled against the polished wood. She spotted several lumbering figures chasing people as they fled from the school house but did not dare release the string in case she hit an innocent. An age seemed to pass. The soldiers were letting the arrows fly almost indiscriminately but Maylis hadn't let a single one loose. A wind beat down. She spun round and the bow clattered to the stone.

Shaye hovered above them. Several of the soldiers shot arrows into her chest, but she pulled them out, leaving the men stunned.

She held out a hand. "You belong on our side. Not with these traitors."

Maylis smacked it aside. "You're all evil."

"I have been ordered to bring you." Shaye moved closer. Her eyes were hollow and unblinking as she reached out her claw-like nails. Leon barged between them and drew his sword but Shaye edged forward and walked straight into the blade until it protruded out of her back. Her face remained expressionless.

"What sort of monster are you?" whispered Leon.

Maylis did not realise Shaye's hand was on her wrist until it was too late. Her stomach dropped. Icy wind whistled past her ears as she was torn from the battlements. She held tight to the dagger she had in her other hand. They landed on a nearby rooftop of a small house, concealed by larger buildings. Maylis staggered from Shaye's cold grip. Blaise was leaning against the chimney. He clicked his fingers, and she flew off again, to rejoin the fight.

"I want to apologise," he said. "For the other night. I never wanted you dead. Put the dagger down. I'm not going to hurt you. Just tell me where to find your mother's spell books."


"Look. The storms have stopped, the barrier's repairing itself and my followers are still trapped. I want them free and you're the only one who-"

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