Chapter 8

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A storm raged outside. Maylis shut her eyes and tried to relax but every time she was close to falling asleep, she jumped awake. As far as she knew, there had been no weather warnings. Perhaps it had something to do with the barriers breaking down.

A gust of wind blew the door open. Papers flew into the air. Maylis struggled across the room and up the stairs to push it shut. It took a while to limp back down.

As she lay on the floor, the door rattled as if someone was trying to pick the lock. She sat up again and strained her ears. She was getting paranoid. It had to be the wind. She lay in the darkness, listening. A mouse scurried in the dustiest corners of the room, pages flapped in the breeze, but the rattling had gone.

"What was that?" said a voice. Maylis jumped. Kaleb towered over her with a walking stick, held aloft like a sword.

There it was again. The persistent rattle. Louder and more urgent this time. Maylis used a chair to pull herself up and rooted around for something she could use as a weapon. The door swung open, blasting the storm inside with them. Voices were dull against the wind until it slammed shut again.

Ravenesca stood at the top of the stairs, her hair windswept and her ragged clothes dripping rain onto the floorboards.

"It's you," said Kaleb. "The witch from-"

"Get out," said Maylis.

"So rude," she replied. The steps creaked as she descended. "I only come seeking your assistance. I hear you know how to return to Selandris." Ravenesca's gaze flickered towards the back of the room where Dragin and Frida now stood. Dragin was rigid, with one hand clutching the door frame. Silence scorched the air between them and Maylis felt on the brink of being caught in crossfire.

"What are you doing in my house?" said Dragin in a low voice.

"I am not the person you used to know," Ravenesca pleaded, her eyes glittering. "You should know more than anyone how time can change a person. I regret the part I played in the war. I know you do too."

Dragin's face drained of the little colour it had. "I played no part."

"Of course," said Ravenesca. "And I understand now. We are all equals. It doesn't matter whether you're a plain old magic wielder, a Superior or..." she wrinkled her nose, "one of the other lot." She took in a deep breath as if waiting for a verdict. When no-one said anything, she appeared to change tactic. "I beg you to help me," she cried. "I can't stand this cold empty world any longer. Maylis, please."

Maylis had a knot in her stomach. Somehow it felt wrong for Ravenesca to address her by name. "I can't get back," she replied.

Ravenesca pouted. Along with her wide eyes, she looked absurdly child-like. She scrubbed away non-existent tears.

"Stop your act," said Dragin. Light on his feet, he crossed the room in two strides.

"You're a heartless man! You can't send me out there alone. Don't you dare."

"Enough of this charade," echoed a voice from somewhere within the room. Blaise let down his disguise which fell from him like a black cloak. He emerged from the corner he had been hiding in and grinned mischievously. His eyes focused on Maylis. "So it's true. The daughter of Immortia. Your friends spoke of you. Thought you were dead. But here you are. Just as Raven said you would be."

"My friends?" she said.

"That crew of yours," Blaise explained.

Ravenesca mimicked the action of a throat being slit.

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