"Is there any way for us to reduce these traces of dark magic?" I was pleading for some good news at this point.

"Subjecting Elora to a positive and encouraging environment while growing up may stunt the growth of anything dark within her. I also suggest allowing her to use her abilities on occasion, as suppressing a child's use of magic sparks the possibility of them forming an obscurial." Albus was now pacing in front of us as he explained ways that we could help Elora.

After a moment of silence, Severus asked a question,

"I believe you had another possible theory about this predicament didn't you, Albus?"

"Ah, yes. I believe there is a possibility that Elora may also be tied to a prophecy. Never have I come across a rare case such as this one where a prophecy wasn't involved. Though we'll need to make a visit to the Department of Mysteries to make sure of this." Albus kept saying things that only made me worry more.

The silence was deafening. Even Elora seemed to notice the mood change, as she'd decided to curl into Severus' chest without a single noise.

I could feel my emotions swirling inside my mind, ready to burst.

"U-Um.. I uh.. I need to get some air.." I choked back the tears that were threatening to spill, just as they had not one hour ago, and rushed to leave the office. I heard Severus excuse himself to follow me out.

Outside in the hall, I let out the strangled breaths I was holding back. My chest felt tight and a stinging pain had begun to form in my lungs. I wiped a hand across my face in order to dry the tears, even though it didn't make much of a difference.

"(Y/N).." Severus' voice seemed as though it were breaking as well.

Elora noticed my distress and reached out toward me with a whine. I let out a weak chuckle through my crying as I scooped her up into my arms. Severus then encased the three of us in a hug in the middle of the hall.

I took some time to control my hiccup-like crying and eventually felt strong enough to speak,

"We can get through this." I stated in Severus' direction.

"Yeah.. I believe we can do it." I repeated in a reassuring way to myself.

"(Y/N)." Severus' voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I looked up and made a facial expression implying that he should continue.

"If you feel we should.. postpone.. the wedding for a later date, I'd understand wholeheartedly." I could sense the slight hesitation in his offer, letting me know he didn't actually feel that way.

"No. We're not postponing anything, Severus. I want to marry you. This little bump in the road won't change that." I smiled at him, to which he let out what seemed like a sigh of relief.

"I am relieved to hear that." Upon finishing his statement, he placed a gentle hand on my lower back as a gesture to walk with him.


~Department of Mysteries - July 3rd - Friday Evening~

Later that day, Albus had asked us to accompany him on his visit to the Department of Mysteries. He thought it to be important for us to hear the prophecy if it does indeed exist.

Two Ministry officials lead Albus, Severus, and myself with Elora to the elevators that would take us to the Department of Mysteries.

The elevator stopped on level 9 and opened it's bronze colored gates, allowing us to exit.

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