"I control my son, Chiva-aree, and my grandson will be mine! Just wait; Marine will come here and get them back!" He spit.

Old bastard man...

"Then, what if I tell you that your beloved second child was the one who told us about where you're hiding my mate and son?"

He looks at me like I'm crazy. His expression turned furious, and he started to aggressively move his body, trying to get the strap off him.

"Don't even try, old man." I spoke and walked a bit closer to them, but kept a good distance. "We still need to play, and this time, I'll show you what happens to those who hurt my family"

My eyes turned yellow, and both of their expressions turned like a scared cat. I smirked. I've been wanting to do this for a very long time, Opas-iamkajorn, since the moment your crazy sister decided to kill my parents.

"Now, it's your turn to experience hell," I said with a sinister voice. "And heads up, it is going to be fun, for me at least."


After hours of screaming, begging, and more screaming, I ended our fun for today. I placed the saw on the table and wiped the blood off my hands.

"Phew! That should do it," I said, throwing the cloth with blood on the floor. "Don't die yet; both of you are good toys, you know?"

Both of them are whimpering and trembling. Let's just say that I cut four of their fingers and did some other kinds of torture. But I wouldn't get into details about it; it's too bloody.

"I'll see next time," I said. I saw my father still glaring at me, even though he was covered in blood.

I only gave him a nod, turned my back, and left the dungeon. Walking back upstairs, I made sure to bring in some extra clothes and cologne before going here since I don't want the kids to question why I'm smelling like a dead body.

Jumpol has already left on our half way of the fun. He said he needed to take care of some business and also check on Jongcheveevat to see if he had turned back to normal. What happened to that man must have been hard for him. I wouldn't be surprised if that happened to me if anything worse happened to my mate and sons.

It's both a gift and a curse....

Now, that got me thinking: What in the world did our ancestors do to give us these abilities? A Gift and a Curse, Psh! Childish. Walking back to the car. After changing, we headed back to the house. It's only 6:08 p.m., so I guess I can make it before dinner, not that I have anything to do.

I had Dew and my secretary to take care if the company while I take care of my children and mate first. I'm glad that they understood; that will be easier for me. Now, all I want is for my mate to wake up so I can hold him in my arms again.

Arriving at the house. I hopped out and went inside, letting the driver park the car. Getting inside, it was quite noisy to speak. Voices of laughter and children shouting I went to where the noises were coming from, and there I saw the kids, Hannah (Marine's Mate) and P'Gun, all playing together.

"Papa!!" Chatri shouted. Sun heard him and quickly turned his head in my direction.

Both of them stood up, dropped their toys, and ran towards me. I kneeled down and caught both of my sons with open arms.

"Dad! We're building a shield!" Chatri said with joy in his voice.

"Really? For what?"

"Sunny! Tell Dad!" Chatri tapped his brother's shoulder. Sun looked at me with hesitation, but he spoke nonetheless.

"We're playing soldiers." He spoke incoherently, but enough for me to hear.

I nodded and kissed both of their foreheads. "Good, now go play with them; I have to do something."

They both nodded and ran back to play with the other kids. P'Gun looks at me with a smirk. I simply shook my head, and he chuckled before looking back at the children playing in front of him.

walking out of the room and going up the stairs. I heard the loud footsteps of someone running. As I reached the second floor, I saw Chimon running and panting. Once he saw me, he stopped to catch his breath.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked. I don't know, but I feel a bit worried now.

After catching his breath, he finally spoke.

"It's Win!"

without letting him finish his sentence. I run towards where Win's room is. Reaching the room, I noticed that Uncle Chiva was outside. He saw me and tried to stop me, but I dodged him. Inside the room. Seeing what the fuss is all about made the surroundings blurry, with my eyes only fixated on the Omega, who is now having his eyes open with tears coming out.

My mate is awake...

  I couldn't wait any longer ✌️😗

‼️(This Chapter is already edited since I noticed some typos)‼️

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