Chapter 42: Marital Bliss

Start from the beginning

"Mr. Prince?"

"Mr. Jai Singh Rathore?"

"Prince Jai Singh Rathore?" I keep ignoring all her pleas looking anywhere but at her.

"Jai, listen I don't say sorry so easily. So, now accept my apology. I have been saying sorry for so long now." I look at her in disbelief.

"Barely two minutes, Maira. You have apologised just twice and that too it hasn't been two minutes and you're tired already?"

"That's more than I have apologised to one person in my entire life. So, be grateful." Wasn't I supposed to be the angry one and she was to pacify me? Why do I feel that the roles are gonna reverse soon?

"Oh, I am grateful that the great Mrs. Maira Jai Singh Rathore took the effort of apologizing to a nobody like me." I say sarcastically.

"What did I teach you? Never be sarcastic with your sarcasm teacher. Where are your manners?" She slaps my forehead and the next words just are enough to send me into frezy.

"Now apologize to me."


"Ughh... We will have to take you to an ENT specialist now. I said apologize." Another flick on my forehead.

"Weren't you supposed to apologise for your rude behaviour?" I ask still in disbelief with how things turned out in past few minutes.

"Yeah, I was but now even you are supposed to apologise, so, we can call it even. You see I have a big heart so, it's okay. I forgive you." I don't even know what to say now. I am speechless, baffled and everything else I cannot even think of right now.

"Let's sleep now, or else my headache will again increase and you'll have to massage it again." She says teasingly before moving back and lying down at her place while I shift to mine and lie down on my back still wrapping my mind around what just happened.

Somewhere in middle of my anger vanishing and it getting replaced by amusement, I fall asleep dreaming about the brown eyed devil disguised as my wife.

"Ouch!" I yelp as my back hits the ground and the pain registers jerking me out of my dreamland.

"What the hell just happened?" I mumble to myself, rubbing my eyes. As I am coming out of my sleepy state, my body registers pain not only in my back but also my hips and legs. I get up and sit on the floor trying to understand what just happened and turn my face to see Maira sprawled all over the bed, covering my place too and then things start registering into my mind.

Maira kicked me which resulted in me falling off the bed.

Did she do it deliberately? I mean I don't think she would do that but then I didn't expect many things from her and she leaves no chance to surprise me. I get up groaning a bit and stretch a bit to help ease the pain before I close in on Maira. I can tell she is sleeping since her breathing hasn't changed even when I am so close to her. I think of waking her up and asking her to shift but that's all in vain. Why? Because she doesn't move even a bit. I then use my hands to push her a bit to get some place to myself and I break a sweat trying to do so and once I am done doing that, I fall onto the mattress and sleep, hoping not to get kicked again.

Next I wake up to someone shaking me and hurriedly I get up and sit on the bed, looking at my intruder. My eyelids still heavy with sleep.

"Wake up, it past 8."

"Ughhh... I need to sleep more."

"Jai, get up. Mom asked me to ask you to get up." Groaning, I move out of the covers and groan some more as the pain marks it's existence over my body again. I start massaging my shoulders and my back trying to relieve some pain.

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