it's the house telling you to close your eyes

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Magnus lay awake with his head against Alec's chest. It was nearly two in the morning but, he wasn't able to peacefully fall asleep. Not even the rhythmic drumming of Alec's heartbeat could lull him into sleep tonight. He knew that the second he closed his eyes, he would relive the horrifying memory.

Ever since Valentine's agony rune had been used on him when Azazel switched them, he had memories in his head that he had spent at least two centuries trying to forget - now he had to relive it all over again.

He didn't realise it, but eventually he fell asleep. He was so exhausted that his body naturally endorsed him in sleep.


Hours later, the Warlock was being haunted by horrific nightmares of his past life. Magnus tossed and turned as he relived the memory, he was murmuring in his sleep which eventually woke up Alec.

The Shadowhunter stirred, awoken by Magnus' nightmare. He could see the Warlock thrashing around muttering how he was sorry and Alec felt a piece of his heart break seeing Magnus in that condition.

Suddenly, Magnus' eyes shot open as he sat up, revealing his natural cat eyes. Alec knew that he was going to be the one to hold Magnus tonight.

"Hey, hey, I've got you. You're safe, I promise." Alec reassured firmly as he wrapped his arms around a panicked Magnus, holding the Warlock in place to help him calm down a little bit.

Alec felt how much Magnus was trembling in fright so he left a gentle kiss on the Warlocks forehead, trying to help Magnus feel safe again.

"Alexander it's f-fine." Magnus tried to explain, not wanting to worry Alec.

"Magnus, it's not okay. Is it the memory from the agony rune?" Alec asked him softly, his voice steady and gentle.

Magnus couldn't even vocalise an answer so he just nodded, not making eye contact, and hid his face in Alec's neck. He couldn't bring himself to see the inevitable rejection in Alec's eyes - all of his other lovers has just dismissed his trauma as an unimportant circumstance and demanded attention from him.

"Hey, it's okay. You don't have to talk about it right now if you don't want to, I won't force you. How long have you had nightmares like this with no one to hold you?" Alec asked softly, acknowledging his trauma as a real thing.

"Y-years." Magnus responded, stuttering with his words before an involuntary sob came from his throat.

"Hey hey hey, I've got you, I promise. I won't let anything bad happen to you anymore. I'm so sorry that I didn't notice that you had been switched with Valentine. It's over now, I'll protect you from now on." Alec whispered to Magnus whilst stroking the back of his hair in order to calm the Warlock down.

It was late and they were both exhausted and they needed sleep. The missions on the last few days were intense and draining. They needed rest and this was their only opportunity, although Alec would sacrifice sleep to comfort and reassure Magnus.

Magnus, wrapped his arms around Alec's waist and gripped his body tightly, as if he were afraid to let go. It was like Magnus thought Alec would disappear if he released his grip. Usually, he would never be this vulnerable around one of his lovers, but Alec is different. Alec holds his heart in his hands and doesn't break it. The song he plays to Magnus is meaningful too: 'Since We're Alone' by Niall Horan. Isabelle was way more up on mundane knowledge (since meeting Clary) and said that he was in a boyband previously.

"I got you. Let me take your bad dreams away." Alec said softly, gently rubbing Magnus' back as reassurance.

The Warlock just nuzzled further into Alec's shoulder. He had stopped trembling by now but Alec could tell that he was still deeply affected by the memory that was haunting him as he tried to sleep.

"Come on. I know you're exhausted. I won't sleep until you're dreaming about wonderful things." Alec said lovingly, gently tilting Magnus' chin up to grant him better access.

Alec lightly kissed Magnus' lips as a way of non-verbally saying that he was there for Magnus through everything. Magnus barely responded to the kiss but Alec understood. He was scared out of his mind by the nightmares he had been having.

Reluctantly, Magnus laid down with Alec, relaxing a little as the Shadowhunter pulled the bedspread over both of their bodies. Alec was holding Magnus close to him and the Warlock was leaning on his shoulder.

"I'll wait, I'll wait,
I love you like you've never felt the pain,
I'll wait,
I promise you don't have to be afraid,
I'll wait,
My love is here and here to stay,
So lay your head on me." Alec sang softly to Magnus, gently playing with the Warlocks dark hair as he closed his eyes and attempted to put his mind to rest.

Slowly but surely, Magnus fell asleep. His dreams were populated with memories of time he spent with Alec (and their possible future together), the best memories in his long life all came to mind and he relived those with great joy.

Around thirty minutes after Magnus had fully fallen asleep, Alec decided it was probably okay for him to start falling asleep too. His Warlock was safe in his arms and sleeping peacefully.

Soon enough, Alec was asleep too. His body entangled with Magnus' to the point where they might as well have been one person. They were closer now than they ever had been before, although it was Alec reassuring Magnus and comforting him.

They couldn't be with anyone else. It just wouldn't be right.


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The YouTube video at the top is an edit I found that inspired part of this chapter. I don't usually cry when watching edits but that one was the exception.

Oneshots - Magnus x Alec [Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments]Where stories live. Discover now