don't give up on me

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"Excuse me." Alec said, excusing himself from the meeting as his phone started ringing.

There was a chorus of 'of course, Inquisitor's echoing around the meeting chamber as Alec made his way out of the room. Catarina's name was lit up on the screen as Alec quickly exited through the doors.

"Catarina- woah, what's wrong?" Alec asked, hearing Catarina breathing heavily as though she had just exerted herself resuscitating a patient at the hospital.

"Alec. It's Magnus. He's in the ICU." Catarina explained breathlessly. She had clearly used magic to stabilise the Warlock.

"What? The ICU?" Alec asked her, shocked. He physically couldn't accept what he was hearing. How in the name of the Angel was his husband in the ICU?

"Please. I need you here. For him." Catarina explained before the line went dead. Alec couldn't comprehend how something like this could have happened.

Alec's phone dropped to the ground with a clattering sound as his back hit the concrete wall. Slowly, his legs started to give out and he slid down the wall. If he were to go to Catarina's hospital and sit by Magnus' bedside, he would have to let out all of his emotions now so that he could be strong. Just the thought of Magnus lying there in a hospital bed, in a worse condition than when his body rejected Lorenzo's magic, made him let out an involuntary sob. He couldn't lose Magnus now, he loved his husband way too much.

"Rachel, I uh- I need to take some personal time, please. I don't know when I'll be back." Alec explained, trying to hold everything inside like he had been trained to do all of his life.

"Alright, I'll mark you out until you come back." Rachel explained, smiling slightly at Alec. She raised an eyebrow but raised no questions, figuring Alec didn't want to talk about whatever he was going through.

Alec got a Warlock who worked in Alicante to portal him outside of the hospital and he ran inside as fast as he could. Stressed, scared and breathless.

"Catarina. W-what room is he in?" Alec asked, his eyes becoming glassy, although he fought hard to keep the tears from falling.

"Here. I can give you his files. No one can see or hear us anyway, just make sure to drop your glamours when you're by his bedside." Catarina explained, handing Alec the brown file with 'LIGHTWOOD-BANE, MAGNUS' scrawled across the top in printed block capitals.


Magnus Lightwood-Bane
Room: 182 - Intensive Care Unit
Reason: Beaten unconscious

Injuries; Broken ribs, blunt force trauma to the head, fractured right wrist and a shattered left knee.

Treatment given: Head and chest CT - surgery to fix ribs and punctured lung, wrist x-ray - splint applied. Surgical reconstruction of the left knee, plates implanted for stability + prevention of future breaks.

Morphine, fentanyl, hydromorphone, oxycodone, oxymorphone and tramadol administered for pain relief through IV in left wrist.


"Beaten unconscious? By who?" Alec asked angrily as soon as he had read Magnus' file, all of his previous emotion forgotten completely.

"A group of rogue Downworlders named Eaves. They're not too fond of either of you." Catarina explained carefully, not wanting to cause Alec to go on a revenge mission.

"Why were you out of breath on the phone? Did you have to resuscitate him?" Alec questioned, frantically jumping to a conclusion.

"Yes." Catarina responded quietly. She was as upset as Alec. That was her best friend that was lying unconscious in the ICU.

Oneshots - Magnus x Alec [Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments]Where stories live. Discover now