if the whole world was watching, i'd still dance with you

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"Alexander, you are so unimaginably thoughtful and I love you so much." Magnus said softly, pulling himself up onto his tiptoes so that he would be able to kiss Alec.

The Warlock couldn't hide his disappointment when Alec pulled away from him shyly, nervously looking around with a light pink colour delicately tinting the Shadowhunters cheeks. Magnus dropped back to his normal height, but he was sure that he had seen this look before... the two were still working on building up Alec's confidence about his relationship and the Warlock had completely forgotten the mundanes around them, he was too wrapped up in his husband (they were currently visible to the mundanes as their glamours were down, by choice).

"There's too many people around." Alec said nervously, looking around at all of the mundanes around them.

"Alexander, I know you're nervous but... none of these mundanes are judging you, okay? If you don't wanna kiss me here, I completely understand and I won't be upset about it. We can go back home if you want to." Magnus said lovingly, his hand resting on Alec's bicep as a reassuring gesture.

"I know I need to for confidence but... I don't want to risk both of us getting attacked. I've seen what happens to gay couples in New York, Magnus." Alec said quietly, the recent increase in homophobic attacks was making him nervous about public affection with Magnus.

"You're carrying a bow and arrows and I have magic. I think we can defend ourselves more than anyone else." Magnus said, just out of mundane earshot.

Alec's sepia eyes darted nervously around, assessing the situation and roughly calculating how many people were around them. Once he had confirmed he could defend himself against the number of people, he gently snaked an arm around Magnus' waist.

The Warlock rose back up onto his tiptoes, this time his arms loosely looped around Alec's neck. The Shadowhunter was first to lean in and gently connect his lips with Magnus'.

If straight couples could do this and even worse in public, why couldn't gay couples do it too?

Despite how nervous Alec was about doing this, he had to admit that it was hugely freeing to kiss Magnus like this in a public place.


[377 Words]

Oneshots - Magnus x Alec [Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments]Where stories live. Discover now