but you will never know, 'cause you let me walk this road alone

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"I think we all just need a break." Maryse spoke up, breaking the tense silence that had fallen upon the room.

Alec, Jace, Isabelle, Max and Maryse were all trying to find a solution for an increasing number of mundanes that were gaining The Sight. Jace and Alec had been yelling at eachother just minutes before because they needed someone to release their tensions on and they attacked eachother as a release. Max was there because Alec and Isabelle were training him up to become Institute Head one day in the foreseeable future.

Everyone looked at her, confused.

"No talk of missions, or demons or anything work related." Maryse continued, she knew that they all needed to get away.

"You mean a family vacation?" Alec snapped back, laughing at her suggestion.

"Alexander." Maryse warned him (she had used his full name which was usually a sign that he was in trouble, unless it was Magnus), authoritative tones in her voice, "And yes, all of us need to take some time to relax, spend time as a family and with those we love." Maryse continued once Alec backed off. She might be past her prime but she can still control her snarky children.

"Maryse, it's actually a good idea. We're all stressed and worked to the bone. How about we go to the beach? All of us. And Luke, Simon, Clary and Magnus." Jace agreed, crossing his arms over his chest whilst locking eyes with Alec, still annoyed.

"Then it's settled. We all go to the beach for two days to clear our heads and get away from work. No excuses, Alec." Maryse said, ending the conversation abruptly.

They all knew they needed it, whether they vocalised it or not. Maryse was always right.

Jace and Clary were the first to arrive at the beach they had all agreed on. The sun was blaring down and it was warm, 89°F to be exact. Clary was wearing a black bikini that showed off the runes down her chest and arms with red shorts to cover up a little on the bottom. Jace was just wearing dark blue swimming trunks. They both had flip-flops on their feet.

They were only waiting five or so minutes until Isabelle and Simon showed up. Isabelle was wearing a blue bikini with pineapples all over it and black shorts paired with white flip-flops. Simon had opted for red swimming trunks and black sandals.

Maryse and Luke were close behind, the two wearing grey swimming attire and black sandals. Max was with them wearing a blue Spider-Man t-shirt and black swimming trunks. He had sandals on too.

The family that were there already exchanged hugs and decided to go find a spot on the surprisingly empty beach. They all set their towels down and Isabelle immediately started to tan after putting sunglasses over her eyes. She also had some kind of fashion magazine. Simon and Clary ran for the water and squealed once the cold water hit their skin, they seemed happy enough though. Maryse settled with a book about feminism and Luke opted for the Shadowhunter codex (just to re-familiarise himself). Max joined Clary and Simon after a few minutes because he wanted to be a kid and let loose.

And surprise to no one, Alec and Magnus weren't here yet. Jace assumed that Alec wasn't coming since he had a black hole for a heart and hated anything fun.

Clary's shrieks of amusement echoed across the sandy surface of the beach. Max and Simon were splashing water at her. Her fiery red hair was sodden and hanging down her face. Jace smiled at her because seeing her having fun like this was something that didn't happen very often.

It really was blissful.

Isabelle wolf-whistled loudly next to Jace so he glanced over to see what she was whistling at. Alec and Magnus had showed up. They were holding hands with their fingers interlaced together as they walked towards the group together. Alec was wearing a brightly coloured hawaiian shirt (only about four of the buttons were done up so most of his runes were exposed) with black shorts on. Magnus looked fabulous as always, he was wearing his usual eye makeup with eyeliner. For clothes, he went with a black button up shirt left open and gold swimming trunks.

Oneshots - Magnus x Alec [Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя