rough sex on the bedroom floor, hop in the shower he begging for more (smut)

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"Seriously? We're listening to the fag? Again?" A harsh voice echoed down the corridors of the executive building in Alicante.

"Hey! I'm the Inquisitor, do not speak to me like that!" Alec Lightwoods harsh tone snapped back, putting the bigot in his place.

"If we are all in agreement. Warlocks should be allowed in Idris for wards repairs." Alec explained to the council. The meeting had gone well so far, he just had to get everyone to agree to allow Warlocks into the Shadowhunter homeland. He missed his husband so much.

"If we allow Warlocks, we need to appoint a High Warlock of Alicante then." A valid point being raised, Alec didn't want to speak up because of the inevitable accusations of favouritism.

"I say we appoint Magnus Bane in the position. He was High Warlock of Brooklyn for years and he managed to wrangle some of the worst Warlocks in the entire of New York City." Someone else spoke up. Alec's heart fluttered at the thought of Magnus actually being in Alicante with him.

"Inquisitor, what do you think of this suggestion?" A female executive asked Alec, turning to him with a questioning gaze.

"I think we should appoint Magnus Lightwood-Bane as the first ever High Warlock of Alicante." Alec responded, emphasising the legal name that both Alec and Magnus chose to use (which was always ignored by blatant ignorance).

Once he saw the faces in agreement, he called an adjournment to the meeting, then leaving the chamber and pulling his phone out of his pocket.

He couldn't control the smile on his face as he dialed the number and heard an all too familiar voice on the other side. Magnus' reaction to finally being allowed in Idris was precious.

A: Mags, you're allowed in Idris now! Finally!

M: What?

A: Warlocks are allowed in Idris now, exactly the same as everywhere else. I managed to persuade them to allow Warlocks from now on.

M: *starts to cry from happiness and at the thought of being reunited with Alec again after seven torturous months of being apart*

A: Magnus, don't cry. Baby, please don't cry.

M: I'm just so happy.

A: I don't know how much longer I can wait to hold you in my arms again, so please come to Idris. I want to be with you again.

Almost immediately after the phone call ended, a portal opened up right next to Alec and Magnus stepped out of it, right into Alec's waiting arms. The feeling was unmatched. He was finally reunited with his husband.

"And... one more thing. The council want you as High Warlock of Alicante." Alec explained softly to Magnus, his brown (glamoured) eyes widened with surprise.

He was about to protest against the promotion (he would probably start spouting nonsense about how he didn't deserve it and that another Warlock should have the position) but Alec simply captured his lips in a sweet kiss, instantly shutting him up.


Magnus and Alec found a perfect place to transport the loft to and after direct permission from Jia, their Brooklyn loft apartment was situated within the city of Alicante.

"Home sweet home." Alec sighed contentedly as he walked through the doors of the penthouse loft apartment once again.

"There's only one way to break in the new surroundings." Magnus smirked mischievously. Alec was in perfect agreement with him and followed him to the bedroom, removing his blazer as he did so.

Alec connected his lips with Magnus' as they moved down onto the bed. The Warlock was underneath Alec (the Shadowhunter being careful not to crush Magnus) and Alec was taking the dominant role this time.

Magnus moved to push Alec down beneath him but the Shadowhunter objected this time, wanting things to be the other way around.

"Nuh uh, no way." Alec said firmly, pushing Magnus back down onto the bed.

This would be the first time that Magnus hadn't been on top in a while - he could already feel his cat eyes itching to appear and Alec had only established the order. Magnus only hoped that Alec was gentle as it was his first time in a while.

Alec felt Magnus' fingers unzipping his jeans and pulling them away from his body until he reached a point where he could kick them away. The Shadowhunter then reached for Magnus' pants and removed them from his body. The two were left only in underwear as Alec continued to kiss Magnus passionately. It was turning a little bit sloppy but neither of them really cared that much because they were showing their ultimate love for eachother.

Magnus' hands trailed down Alec's muscular back and he lightly traced the scars with his fingertips. He was snapped out of his trance when he felt Alec's fingers slide under the waistband of his underwear and start to slide them down. Magnus did the same until Alec gently pushed his wrists against the bed.

Alec removed his own underwear quickly, only breaking the kiss briefly, and then bringing Magnus' hands to rest on his shoulders.

"Alexander-" Magnus said in between kisses, catching Alec's attention (and his breath), "-I haven't... in a-a while." Magnus explained shyly, his usual confidence and flamboyant attitude was gone without a trace.

"Magnus, that's okay... I'll go gently. And you can let the cat eyes out, I know you're fighting them off." Alec responded nonchalantly before pecking the Warlocks lips gently. Magnus was in shock and before his brain fully processed what Alec had just said, his glamours dropped revealing his cat eyes.

Gently, Alec inserted one finger into Magnus, making sure that the Warlock was comfortable the whole time and that his body adjusted completely before he went any further. Once Magnus' body had adjusted, Alec gently inserted a second finger into the Warlock and let his body adjust again.

"Magnus, if it hurts, we can stop." Alec said firmly once he saw Magnus' face contorted in pain.

"No, it stops in a few seconds anyway." Magnus explained and Alec knew all too well that it was true. He was just crazily protective of the Warlock.

After ensuring that Magnus was actually okay and seeing that his pain had partially alleviated, Alec gently opened up Magnus' entrance by slowly scissoring him. He wanted to make Magnus feel as good as he did when the roles were reversed. Magnus was already a melted mess of pleasure and Alec hadn't even gone all the way yet.

"Okay, you ready?" Alec asked him gently as he repositioned himself slightly, brushing a small lock of hair out of the Warlocks eyes.

"Alexander, I know that you would never hurt me." Magnus said in response, his golden green cat eyes glinting as he spoke. His hand was on Alec's neck, on top of the deflect/block rune.

Alec gently guided himself inside of Magnus, making sure that he didn't go too quickly and hurt the man he loved so much. He wanted Magnus' experience to be a nice one, something he wanted to remember.

"You know that Jace is gonna feel this right?" Magnus teased through gritted teeth as he adjusted to being on the bottom for once.

"Let him." Alec replied seductively with a smolder present in his voice, his stamina rune glowing gold after its activation.

Once Alec felt that Magnus' body had adjusted to what was happening, he carefully started to move and gently thrust until Magnus had adjusted again. Alec knew he wasn't hurting Magnus when the Warlock moaned out in pleasure, begging for more.

It was around five minutes later when Alec managed to bring both himself and Magnus to their climaxes and releases at the same time. They released together and kissed softly one more time before Alec collapsed onto the bed beside Magnus, exhausted despite his stamina rune.

Alec was just smiling lazily at Magnus' beauty. Somehow the Warlock was still so beautiful even after sex, it just amazed Alec how naturally attractive he was.

"By the angel, I love you so much, Magnus."

"I love you too, Alexander."


[1348 Words]

Oneshots - Magnus x Alec [Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments]Where stories live. Discover now