he's cheer captain and i'm on the bleachers (mundane au)

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"Don't do anything stupid. I don't want to have to clean your messes today." Jace explained to the girl who was walking by his side. She had fiery red hair and emerald green eyes. She was also quite significantly shorter than him.

Jace led her through the corridors of Alicante Highschool. She was new because her parents had just moved into town so she had to transfer schools halfway through the semester.

Jace was explaining where things were in the school when Clary caught sight of a tall and rather attractive boy who was wearing a tank top and black jeans. The tank top showed his muscles - he was gorgeous with dark soulful brown eyes and messy black hair sitting on his head.

"Who is he?" Clary asked, interrupting Jace and gesturing towards the aforementioned students in question.

"That, Clary, is Alec Lightwood. He's the captain of the soccer team-" Jace explained to her, "-if you think I don't take bullshit, he's on another level entirely." Jace continued, chuckling to himself as he thought about how uptight his brother could be.

"And you know him well?" Clary asked, confused by how Jace wasn't visibly afraid of him like everyone else seemed to be.

"He's my brother. His mom and dad adopted me when I was ten after my parents died in a car accident. We have two more siblings too, Isabelle, who you haven't met yet, and Max, who's still in elementary school." Jace explained as Alec, the boy they were discussing a moment ago, came over to the locker beside Jace's.

He said nothing to either of them, clearly not the communicative type, and swapped out his school books for a gym bag. Clary could assume that he was grabbing his soccer kit as Jace just explained that he was the captain.

"Alec, this is Clary. She's Jocelyn's daughter." Jace explained, introducing them to eachother.

"Whatever, Jace. Stay out of my way, Carrots." Alec responded brusquely, closing his locker door with a loud slam.

Clary was surprised by how downright rude Jace's brother was. They were absolutely polar opposites. Jace was so polite and friendly to everyone and Alec was so closed off, coarse even.

"Well, he's... delightful." Clary explained sarcastically, not really knowing what else to say about Alec. She just couldn't come up with any other descriptions of Alec Lightwood.

"He gets a lot of shit at home because of something that happened recently. He tends to take it out on other people." Jace explained, trying to make Clary see that Alec isn't a bad person.

"What was it? That happened at home, I mean?" She asked inquisitively, she just wanted to learn about people.

"He came out to our parents." Jace responded after a few seconds, it was still new for him to tell people. Alec had decided to be open with people now because he was tired of hiding.

Clary's face visibly changed, that was definitely not something she was expecting. She had thought he was just under pressure at home or something.

"He's gay?" Clary confirmed after a few moments of stunned silence.

"Yeah, he is." Jace responded to Clary's question just as the bell rang signalling the beginning of a new lesson.


"Clary, are you coming to watch the game against McGowan High tonight?" Jace asked her after their lesson as they were now walking towards the cafeteria just as a girl walked towards them.

She had dark hair and brown eyes and she was insanely pretty. She looked very similar to Alec and then it struck her that this was probably Isabelle, Alec's biological sister and Jace's adoptive sister.

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