let it burn

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Since he was in New York today, Alec had the incredible honour of training Simon, the Ascendant had finally graduated from sticks to seraph blades - something Alec was grateful for because he preferred a blade in the training room anyway (when he wasn't using his signature bow).

What he wasn't expecting, was the ability to which Simon could fight.


Simon pretty much annihilated Alec with a sword because Jace had failed to mention the fact that Simon fought strategically. But, Alec hadn't fought him like he would Valentine or Lilith, he'd gone easy (but it was clear that Simon was improving by the day thanks to Jace's mentorship).

Alec pulled his shirt off and activated his iratze, watching as all the little nicks healed up nicely, leaving no evidence that he had ever been beaten by a Daylighter (that was highly embarrassing and none of his colleagues in Alicante would ever find out about this - he would never hear the end of it).

"Alec, by the angel! What happened to your back?" Isabelle exclaimed as soon as she came into the training room to grab a blade and saw the healed burns across the back of Alec's shoulders.

"Have you been going on solo missions again? Alec, we told you how dangerous that is, you're gonna get yourself killed." Jace said, joining Izzy and leaving no room for Alec to get a word in edgeways, even if he had tried to.

Jace took a much closer look at the white burns across Alec's skin and thought that they didn't look like they were from any demons - and the positioning was extremely awkward for malevolent beasts to access when they were angry unless they deliberately aimed there, just across the back of Alec's shoulders and the top of his back - as well as some smaller ones down the back of his ribs.

"Actually, Izzy, these don't look like demon burns, look." Jace explained, pointing out the fact that there was no harsh healing around the edges, they were all healed quite smoothly, meaning that they were superficial (only damaged a few layers of skin - usually the top three).

"May I put my shirt back on now?" Alec questioned them exasperatedly, but slightly amused at how they were so far away from the truth.

"Once you tell me how your back ended up looking like this." Jace commanded domineeringly - but his instructions had no effect on Alec, who was essentially Jace's boss seeing as he was the Inquisitor now and in consideration for a promotion to the role of Consul already. And he was only twenty-four (if he got the promotion, he would be the youngest person ever to take this role).

"If you desperately have to know, they're from Magnus." Alec said, totally done with Jace's little interrogation that he had going on.

"Is he hurting you? I swear to the ange-" Jace started, thinking up so many threats and things he could do to that Warlock if he had intentionally hurt Alec.

"No! Jace how could you even say that? We love eachother, he has never laid a hand on me- or used his magic for that matter unless it was for healing!" Alec retaliated, enraged that Jace could even consider the fact that Magnus would deliberately hurt him.

"So tell me then! How in Raziel's name did you get those burns from Magnus Lightwood-Bane?" Jace asked, just as angry as Alec by this point.

As angry as Alec was, he couldn't help smiling at Magnus' new surname, Lightwood-Bane, and the fact that he was the very first person in over three hundred years to ever marry Magnus.

"Fine! If you desperately wanna know, I'll tell you! His fingers spark when he orgasms." Alec said purposefully, crossing his arms over his chest, turning cold and slightly intimidating.

"Oh my god, Alec! I did not need to know that!" Jace immediately backed off, regretting ever asking Alec how his back had gotten burnt.

Jace had to admit (to himself, never anyone else) that watching his brother and parabatai go from being an awkward, shy, introverted virgin to a confident, resilient, protective and sexually experienced human being was nice to see. Alec was definitely a lot happier now that he had Magnus - that was for sure.

"You asked." Alec said walking out the doors of the training room.


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Oneshots - Magnus x Alec [Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments]Where stories live. Discover now