22. The Aftermath!

Start from the beginning

"Oh, there was a civilian that recorded what happened, actually, maybe this might help with getting them out," Jack said.

"It's worth a try," Maya agreed and then looked over at her sleeping daughter, "How long has she been asleep?" she wondered.

"A good couple of hours, she did try and stay awake to wait till you come back but the poor kid looked absolutely exhausted so I suggested that she got some sleep. I said I would wake her up when you came out, " Vic said. Maya nodded and knelt down in front of her daughter. "You look like you could do with a cup of coffee. I'll go get you one," she offered.

"Thank you, Vic," Maya said appreciatively. Vic smiled and got up from her seat, "Mads," Maya spoke gently as she shook her daughter lightly, "Maddie, kiddo? Wake up sweetheart," she said.

"Uh, what time is it?" Maddie asked as she opened her eyes slightly and saw her mom knelt down in front of her, "Have Dean and Sullivan been let out yet?" she asked as she sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"It's just a little after 4 am now but no, not yet sweetheart. There is a video that could be used as evidence now so hopefully, that helps," Maya said.

"Oh, that's good," Maddie said as a yawn escaped her mouth. Maya nodded as she moved to easily lift Maddie into her lap as she sat down on the chair.

"You'll get a bad neck if you continued to curl up in a ball like that," Maya said as she slightly chuckled, "Do you want to go back to sleep for a bit?" she asked.

"Uh-huh," Maddie mumbled sleepily still as she buried herself into Maya's chest.

"Close your eyes princess, I will still be here when you wake up," Maya said reassuringly.

"Mhm, love you mom," Maddie mumbled again as she leant further into her mom as she closed her eyes again.

"I love you too, kiddo," Maya said smiling softly just as Vic walked back over with two cups of coffee.

"Here you go, it's been a long night hasn't it," Vic said as she handed the cup over to her.

"Indeed it has," Maya said as she took a sip off her coffee, "Ahh! So good," she exclaimed.

"Maddie was so brave today running into that house," Travis mentioned looking over at the sleeping girl in Maya's arms.

"I know. The feeling I had when I saw her run into that house, my heart leapt out of my chest honestly," Maya told her teammates. "Where's Andy?" she wondered, realizing that she wasn't inside with the rest of them.

"Outside, she has been out there for almost an hour now," Jack pointed over to the window.

"I should probably go and talk to her, she looks like she could do with talking to somebody," Maya said.

"Want me to take her?" Vic asked, motioning to Maddie who was fast asleep.

"If you don't mind?" Maya asked.

"Of course not," Vic happily agreed, she had grown close with the teenager. Maya smiled gratefully and passed the sleeping teenager over to her. Maddie stirred in her sleep but her eyes still remained shut.

"Thanks, Vic. I will just be outside if you need me. Shout me if she wakes up," Maya said with a sad smile.

"No worries, we'll be here," Vic said. Maya nodded and walked outside as she moved to sit down next to Andy on the steps.

"Hey, what you doing out here?" Maya wondered. Andy jumped in surprise as she was in a world of her own.

"I don't know, I guess it was driving me mad to be sat inside waiting," Andy said as she fidgeted in her spot. "Have you spoken to PD?" Andy asked.

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