Becoming Unstable

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He put his head in his hands, shaking and a deep rumble coming from his entire body.

The pieces of himself cracking out of the containment that was his body, screaming in pain and anger.

He looked . . . dangerous and no one wanted to come near him.

His eyes were red, leading into a black and soulless void.

Anyone who got close enough could hear the rumble AND a high pitched ringing.

They didn't know where it came from but they really didn't want to know, either.

It seemed Google, Host and Wilford were the only ones unaffected by Dark's outward insanity. Seeing the red eyes reminded Wilford of Celine's aura and he would just smile at Dark, totally oblivious that the man could kill him in an instant.

Host sat back in the other corner of the room, a leg over the other 'presumably' reading a book. It was . . . . pretty odd to see what with Host's bloody blindfold over his eyes but it seemed like he knew everything that was going to happen in the story anyway.

Google was the closest ego to Dark but was unaffected, as well. He didn't fear Dark's wrath like so many of the others. If anything were to happen to him, anyway, he could just rebuild himself.

"Dark . . . . I was able to sneak my way inside the Septic house through every angle of all their devices. What I say is the truth."

Dark's eyes flickered up to meet the android's but he didn't say anything. He just looked over to Host.

"The Host understood why Darkiplier glanced at him in such a way. He was asking the Host if what Google was saying was the truth. The Host didn't have a clear answer but it looked as though Antisepticeye was being played by his supposed Septic brethren."

"Being played is an understatement" Google growled, "He's given them all the information he knew of. He's a complete screw-up and a waste of our time. We need to be focusing on other more important matters like where the Merger is and how to get to it"

Wilford fiddled with his gun, "Well have ya tried asking 'em?"

Google glared over at Wilford with a snarl, "Apparently they don't even know what the device is themselves. But if Dark says it exists, then-"

"The Host interjected and assured the android that it did indeed exist. The Host has seen of it himself and knew of its power."

Dark finally sighed deeply but his fingers tapped on his desk jitterly, "I trust in Host . . . . . . . . . .I brought everyone of the Iplier egos here on this plan. They believe they're here to be safe from Mark. And that is true . . . . but also . . . ." he sighed again, "We need to find the Merger. Google, if you cannot deliver then I'll find someone else that can. Or better yet. I'll do it myself."

Google chuckled but his eyes held panic, "Oh no! No, don't worry Dark. I can do it. Right now, my network is tied together securely with the Septic house. I can see everything. All the secrets they've ever kept and every move they make. Trust me. The Merger will be as good as ours"

"You better be right . . . . . For your sake. . . ."

For an android that barely knew of fear, Google could feel his motherboard trying to keep up with the racing of his heart. In fact, the excess heat was starting to make him sweat a little.

"Say where IS Anti anyway!?" Wilford jumped the gun with a silly grin, "I've been missing the lad for my games! I just bet he'd love the 'Knife and Seek' one!"

Dark rolled his eyes, "Wilford . . . as I've mentioned before . . Anti is a little . . indisposed at the moment" he sighed, "Perhaps I'll have him again permanently in our show AFTER we get this damn machine"

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