Anti's Plans ALWAYS Suck

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Anti decided he wouldn't just outright tell Jackie about the note.

No, no, no. That would be stupid of him.

For once, he thought he'd do something a bit . . . smarter.

He waited until the very next day when he had to do his chores again. Granted, he seemed more jittery than normal but he figured they thought that wasn't unusual for him.

But instead of starting with Jackie's room right off the bat, he went to Marvin's while he was downstairs with the others still talking after breakfast.

'Damn stray always soaking in attention. I swear he can't live without the spotlight on him'

Anti snuck in the room and rolled his eyes at the mess but went straight for where he saw the note before.

'Oh thank fuck it's still here' he grabbed it and shoved it in his pocket, 'Now all that's left to do is place it somewhere where the hero will notice and read it'

It wasn't hard to think of a place to put it. Why not right in plain sight?

Jackie wasn't going out today. He wanted to relax in the living room with the others and have a cute little family day. Anti had listened to their conversations at breakfast.

'How disgusting. But perfect for me'

After cleaning everyone's rooms like normal, Anti then gathered up all their laundry and set off downstairs where they all were.

'I can't just place it right in front of him, though. It has to be right in the corner of his eye but not in anyone else's view'

He noticed Jackie mentioning he should up from the couch and make his way into the kitchen for some drinks and snacks. Anti figured he might just sneak it on the table if he was quick enough-

"What are you up to?"

Anti flinched and glitched erratically hearing the voice right behind him.

'Damn magician always manages to sneak up on me! Fuck!'

Anti turned, realizing he DID look pretty odd peering in to the living room a little like a weirdo. But he remained snide, "The hell is it to you? Just seeing if I need to clean the living room. Wouldn't want to get in the way of your precious 'family movie time'. I'd rather puke my guts out than be anywhere near that shite"

"Oh really?" Marvin smirked.

Anti immediately knew what he did wrong but as quick as he could before the magician could notice, he glitched the note on the table.

Marvin continued, "Come with me" he ordered, making Anti have no choice other than to trail behind him.

The others were a little confused seeing Marvin bring Anti in but Jackie smiled wide at him, "Hey guys! What's up?"

"Nothing much" Marvin snickered, "But it seems Anti is done with a lot of his chores already and since he said he'd rather puke his guts out than be apart of this, I'd figured I'd torment him a little"

"Dude" Chase commented, "That's cold"

"Seriously?" Jackie wasn't impressed, "Marvin, you can't be somewhat nice to him for five seconds, can you?"

"I haven't ordered him to do anything humiliating yet" was his answer but Marvin grinned dangerously afterwards, "But I still can"

Anti grew a bit worried but calmed from Jackie's expression, "Anti, why don't ya take a break from cleaning"

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