Chapter 19

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I rushed to where the fire was alight and assessed the damaged , likely no one was hurt. My men and I made our way back to the castle and all I was thinking about was ravishing my beautiful wife. I opened the door to our chamber and was taken aback by how  protective her hand looked as it rested on her belly , guilt gripped at him. He had never gotten over the fact that he were to blame for the death of their child instead he lashed out his anger out on her. I walked towards the bed and set on the side staring at her striking face.


He was actually starting to find his wife attractive even beautiful, something he had failed to see in the beginning period of their marriage. He took of his plads and got into the welcoming bed,  he took his wife's luscious body into his and fell asleep.

There was a nock on the door, he quickly swift and moved towards it while in the process of looking at his sleeping wife and exhaled a sense of relief seeing that the nock had disturbed her sleep.

"Why in the bloody hell are banging on my door so early in the morning". He looked at the guard with annoyance written all over his fixtures.

The guard turned red,''I apologise to ye master but ye uncle say I must come an' fetch ye".

"Tell him I'm coming", he frowned deeply because the last time his uncle came to the keep was a proposal for marriage and he hoped that this time it was more of a friendly visit.

He dressed and made his way down, he noted that the servants were still asleep. His uncle was standing at the window in the dining room and looked deeply in thoughts.

"What brings you here". His uncle continued to look outside.

"Ye wife is in danger".

"What" , he was extremely confused.

"Words out that her father and Alex have formed some type of allies for the abduction of your wife".

" I knew I should have killed him while I still had a chance, that stinky bastard". He was deeply angry that he was unable to protect his wife but as always he took out his anger on her even though he knew that she was innocent.

"I came ya to warn ye to be careful and that fire might have been them".

"I will look into it",

"I must be going and take care lad " , his uncle made his way to the door .

He left Blake deeply in thoughts not wanting to believe that his wife's father would put their daughter in danger but instead he decided to look at his own point of view , this was the plot between them three and pray if he was not wrong for there is nothing he hates more than deception.

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