Chapter Twenty- Eight

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"No, not weed. I bought coke, Harry. And I got hooked and now i owe a shit ton of money to some really bad people."

What the fuck, Liam.

"How much?" I ask, voice shaky. I cannot fucking believe he'd put us in this situation.

"Fourteen Thousand." He admits, rubbing his face in his palms.

"You're a fucking idiot! You know as well as I do that we can't take that much out of the bank without mum noticing the transaction. Are you mental?"

"I'm sorry Harry i jus-"

"Sorry doesn't cut it Liam! You're going to get youself killed! I love you, but Jesus Christ." I close the door and walk into the living room. I feel Liam's presence behind me. I sit down on the couch and dump my bag on the cushion next to me.

"Where have you been?" He asks me timidly, sitting on the opposite seat from me. I don't even look at him.

"Louis' place."

Instead of causing a scene like i thought he would, he stays quiet. I can basically hear him thinking, wondering why the fuck I'd be over there. He knows best then to question, though.

"We have alot to talk out, Liam." I sigh, running a hand through my hair to keep it out of my face seeing as i wasn't wearing my bandana for once. "And we're starting with Niall. What does he mean to you?"

Liam shifts uncomfortably and fidgits eith his fingers, refusing to make eye xontact with me.

"I like him. Lots. He hates me, now."

"Are you for real? He's in love with you, you slow cunt." I say, and he looks up to meet my eyes this time. "I need you to call him and fix this. He's my best friend and I don't want him to stop comming round here just cause of you."

"I will. Now tell me where you've been dissapearing off to the last few weeks." He demands and i just shrug in response.

"Have you been with Tomlinson this entire time?" He asks.

"No. And why do you even care? I don't ask where you go. You've been dissapearing an awful lot lately too."

He looks guilty. He won't tell me where he's been going but i know I'll figure it out myself, eventually.

"Whatever. You have to find away to get that money, Liam. Really. You have to deal with this one yourself."

"I know. I love you."

"I love you too. I'm not mad- a little dissapointed that you'd actually buy cocaine, but you're my brother and I'll always put you first. Okay?"

"Okay. I promise I'll be better." Liam is completely vulnerable and it isn't something i see often. We stand up at the same time and i embrace him tightly in my arms.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask him, pulling back.

"You bet I do, Haz."


The next day when i walk into the school corridor, it feels weird. I don't know why but it's like i haven't been here in ages when in reality it was just three days ago.

"Hey Harry," Niall says happily, skipping up to me. "How are you?"

"I'm great, i guess. Why're you so happy?"

Before im even finished speaking, Nialls eyes catch on somebody walking by. I turn to see who he's smiling at, but it's just Liam.

Liam smiles back at him and waves slightly. Niall bluses lightly and i groan.

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