Chapter Eight

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That night, we did end up planting the trophy on top of the clock tower like planned. Everyone seemed to be over the whole thing with me kissing Louis to get away, besides Liam. The entire rest of the night he kept subtly shooting death glares at me and I knew I was in for it as soon as we got home.

Sam had brung his polaroid camera with him too, so we made sure to get a photo. Sam ended up taking a photo of the entire team crouching around Liam and I, who both held the trophy with a huge smile on both our faces. I had my head rested on Liam's shoulders, and Niall was spread out across both our laps like an idiot.

When the photo printed, we taped it into the trophy before having Dylan climb up and place it at the tippy top of the clock tower. I was surprised he didn't fall and end up in hospital, honestly, but he was a great climber.

Then, everyone headed home. Even Niall went back to his own place, which came as a surprise to Liam and I.

As soon as I walked in the door to the house, Liam slammed it shut behind him.

"What were you thinking?!" Liam yells. "Snogging Tomlinshit? Really? You realise he'll probably tell one of his mates and they'll tell the whole of Cheshire! Do you know what this could do to you reputation at school? Huh?"

"It was to get awa-"

"I don't care if it was to get away or not, you cant just kiss him like that!" He yells, waving his arms around in the air and making exaggerated hand gestures, making him seem scarier than usual.

"I don't care about my fucking reputation,, Liam! That's you. You care about how everyone else sees you. I don't give a fuck what rumours people hear, they can think what they want! Pull the bloody stick out of your arse!"

I don't know why he's making such a big deal out of something as simple as a kiss. I watch as his face goes an actual shade of red. I'm not kidding. Then he raises his hand and slaps me right across the mouth.

"Fuck!" I groan. He's never hit me before. This is the first time. Over something this stupid?

"You're out of line Harry. As long as your staying with me under this roof, you will not speak to me like that ever. And you certainly wont be running around snogging low lifes from out West!"

This was so stupid. Whats gotten into him?

"I can kiss whoever the hell I want, Liam. Its none of your business!" I retaliate. "You know what? Fuck you and these stupid rules, I'm staying somewhere else tonight."

And with that, I push past Liam and out the front door, ignoring his protests.

Its also raining. great.

Luckily I still had my backpack on my shoulders from before. I had fresh clothes in there that I could change into later.

I started walking down the dark street. I looked at the time and saw it was already 11pm.

I scrolled through my contacts until I found Nialls name, and pressed the call button.

It rang out. He's asleep.

I tried calling a few other numbers, Eleanor, Perrie, Luke.. I couldn't think of anyone else who would be willing to let me stay the night. Everyone was asleep.

I wasn't even feeling tired. I just feel like pissing Liam off and abusing my power at the moment. Honestly, fuck him right now. I don't need to be treated as a child.

And so I did something I never thought I would actually do. I pressed on Louis' contact (Tomlinshit), and pressed call.

It answered on the third ring.

"Harry?" His voice rings out into the night. It didn't sound as though He'd bothered to try and sleep at all.

"Hey Lou." I reply. "What are you doing right now?"

"Oh, you know. Just trying to find a way to climb the clock tower without it being a suicide mission. I don't forgive you foe this." His voice is laced with sarcasm. However, it softens. "Why? Whats up with you, Curly?

I choose my next words very carefully.

"Well, remember when you told me to call you on my birthday? Like, if I 'need it'?" I ask, my voice is low and sounds a little raspy from the cold air.

"Course I do, curly." He replies, his Southern accent sounded quite alluring against the wind. "Why is that, hm?"

Bitch. He knows what I want.

"Well. It ends in two hours. Come pick me up?" I ask hopefully.

"Where abouts are you?"

"Corner of Hemmingway street, you know, the one I live on?" I suggest. Mainly cause I'm already there, but Liam cant see me which is even better.

"Be right there, sweetheart." Louis replies, and then the line goes dead.

What the fuck have I just gotten myself into?

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