Chapter Seven

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Finally it was my birthday. I was sixteen at last. I could officially go for my Learners License, and I am now allowed to legally have sexual intercourse. Not that I'm going to.

We were stealing the trophy tonight, but I wasn't feeling as hyped to snatch it now as I was before. It would still be a nice adventure, and something to piss Louis Tomlinson off, which was even better.

I spent the morning with Liam and Niall. Niall stayed over the night before, so he was there on my birthday morning. I opened a package from my mum that contained keys to the spare Porsche in the garage. I cringed at the thought of driving it around. I didn't want to look like some rich snob, but I was still grateful. Even if I wouldn't be able to drive it until I got my license.

Liam bought me a bunch of sweaters and bandanas. Clearly there was more thought put into his gift than my mothers one. Its not as if she would even call and wish him a happy birthday today, anyway.

Niall bought me a bunch of cute phone cases and two pairs of converses, purple and red. He knows they're my favourite shoes, bless him.

I thank the two boys, probably a thousand times over because really was grateful they put thought into it.

School went by fast. Eleanor and Perrie had gotten me a few Taylor Swift Vinyls, which was awesome because she was my favourite artist. They also bought me some sweets, that I opened in class and ate with the two of them. By the end of school we were all on a huge sugar rush.

"Time to go steal this trophy!" I cheer when I enter the locker rooms with Liam and Niall, seeing the team already sat around in their black clothes.

We had all bought a change of clothes with us, to school, so we could just head straight over to our house after school.

"Okay, we're all walking to Li and I's house." I tell the team, sliding Liam's captain armband up my sleeve, earning a glare from Liam. "Shut up Liam, its my birthday, I get to wear it."

There's a wave of 'Happy birthday's from the team and I smile and thank them. A lot of people are embarrassed and don't like telling people its their birthday, but I've always loved the idea of having a day where everyone celebrates me. Maybe that makes me self centered, but I don't really care.

Els brother meets us at my house. There's a huge minivan parked in our driveway that we're using tonight. I didn't understand why we couldn't just meet up at the school later before we leave, I mean, that was the original plan. But Liam and Niall insisted we go to our house first.

When we got there, I pushed open the door and was taken by surprise, the light flicked on and Eleanor and Perrie, followed by a few other of my friends, Micheal, Calum, Gigi and Leigh-Anne jump out and scream "Surprise!"

Well I have to say, I wasn't expecting that.

"We decided to throw you a mini party, since you're throwing away your chance to have an actual party for the team to get the trophy," Niall tells me, and I hug him. This has to be the sweetest thing ever.

"Of course you'll have a real party on Saturday. The entire schools basically coming, but I think it'd be best if we also had a small celebration first, between the team and your close friends." Liam adds. "Its also like a before-celebration of your plan. After all, the entire thing was your idea."

"Guys that's so sweet!" I smile, they're the best.

There are streamers hanging from the ceiling, and balloons all over both the floor and the roof. There's party snacks on the table and it reminds me a little bit of the birthday parties I had when I was growing up. Back when you didn't require drugs and alcohol to have fun.

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