Chapter Thirty-Three

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Well this chapter has been long over due oops (hi) I didn't know how to put wjat i wanted to in words and it delayed thos capter alot but now that i've gotten over this phase of writers block i'll officially be baxk to uploading frequently :)))

Love you guys <3


By the time the school was over I just wanted to see Louis. I'd had History last period and the teacher's a bitch. I hate school.

I walk out the front doors with Niall and spot Louis leaning against his car in the parking lot clad in his football uniform, his varsity hoodie looking thing is pulled over his jersey and his hair is messy like usual. I watch as students passing give him dirty looks, but he just flips them off.

Niall leaves my side, not before hugging me goodbye. Then he runs off to Liams car where Eleanor and Liam are waiting.

"Hi Louis." I greet him, wrapping my arms 'round his neck. His snake 'round my waist and his chin rests on my shoulder.

"Hey Curly," He replies, and I feel the soft touch of his lips against the skin on my shoulder. "Missed you."

I pull away and grin. "Missed you too."

"You know they're watching us?" Louis says, gesturing to the students giving confused and dirty looks around us.

"Everyone here's nosy," I roll my eyes. "Besides, they're just jealous my boyfriends hotter than theirs."

Louis smirks and slips his hand behind my back, dangerously low.

"Trust me darling, you're the hottest person i've ever met." He connects his lips with mine and I fell the familiar butterflies errupt in my stomach when his hands grip at my waist tighter than they have to.

When we pull apart people are watching in shock. They definitely weren't expecting that. Louis and I just laugh.

"Hey Lou, do you have your letterman jaket with you?" I ask him, and he nods.

"Yeah love, why?"

"Can I wear it?" I give him my best attempt at puppy dog eyes. "Pleaseee?"

Louis opens the back door of his car and pulls out the jacket. Its light blue and has 'L' neatly displayed on the front. On the back it says 'Tomlinson' followed by the number '28' all embroided with black thread.

"Don't need to ask twice baby, you know I love seeing you in my uniform. You're mine." He tells me. "Arms up."

I put my arms up and he slips the sleeves over them. The jacket is a little big on me but its really comfortable. The sleeves are longer than my arms and they cover my hands.

"Look so good," He whispers, fixing up the collar of the jacket on me, his eyes a shade darker than they were before. Wow, do I really look that good in his clothes or does he just have some raging possesion kink?

"I always look good." I roll my eyes and he nods.

"You do."

"Hi Harry!" Someone shouts from behind us. I close my eyes in annoyance hoping the person will just leave. But of course they don't.

Why is Hunter being so annoying today?

"Fuck off Hunter." I groan, shoving my face in my hands. He'll never leave me alone.

"Just wanted to say hi. Nice jacket, by the way." He muses. "You'd look better in mine."

He shouldn't have said that. This boy has no idea whats good for him.

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