Chapter Two

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This is the last chapter written in 3rd person, the next one will be in Harrys POV :)

It turns out, the next morning Liam did decide to keep his word. He pulled up in the drive way at a quarter past eight, with a pretty brunette in the passengers seat whom Harry recognized as Maya Henry, a quiet but somewhat popular girl in Liam's grade. Harry had never actually communicated with her but from what he had seen and been told, she was pretty kind and respectable. Her parents were very honourable members of the church, and donated a lot of money to charities and things. Not that Harry did go to curch often. He was dragged along there on Christmas and Easter day by his mother for the annual morning services, and he'd seen the girl at every church event he'd been to since he was eleven.

Niall finished combing his hair, then fluffing it up with his hands again, which Harry thought defeated the purpose of combing it in the first place, but he wasn't about to question his Irish friend. His hair ended up looking good in the aftermath anyway.

The two boys eventually climbed in to the back of Liams Mercedes after about ten minutes of Liam pleading for them to "Hurry the fuck up" because Maya would be in shit from her parents if they found out she was late to school, and Liam didn't want to give her parents a bad impression of himself.

The ride to school was a little awkward, consisting of small talk between Harry, Niall and Maya, mostly about school and what teachers they hate the most. She seemed shy, but she was still really nice. Harry hoped Liam would keep her around. She seemed much better for him than Cheryl was.

"We're here." Liam says, pulling into the parking spot that he'd claimed his own, as if we were blind and couldn't see the school building in front of us.

"Thanks for the ride, mate." Niall says, climbing out of the car and sliding his sunnies over his eyes, despite it being cloudy outside. Niall always liked to seem edgy and it cracked Harry up because he knew the blonde boy was nothing like the person he pretended to be at school.

at home, he and Niall would have pajama parties and wear onesies. Niall would always wear his cow one and Harry would wear his bunny one. It was ridiculous, seeing as they were both tenth grader boys, but its a tradition they had kept since 4th grade.

at school Niall dressed cool. His wardrobe, besides his cow onesie and the Snow White costume he wore for Halloween last year as a dare, consisted of mainly black skinnies, white tee-shirts, his Football uniform and jean jackets. Today he was wearing his signature look, the black skinnies and white tee. He dressed a lot differently than Harry at school, which led a lot of people to wonder how they even became friends in the first place because they seemed so much different than each other.

Harry, today, was wearing a baby blue sweater, grey sweatpants which fit him perfectly, not at all baggy, his black high top converses and a black bandana. Harrys wardrobe was considerably a lot more colorful than Niall or Liam's ones, but people didn't really mind.

At first people thought it was strange, Harry coming to school dressed so much differently than the people he hung out with, them being all Niall and Liams jock friends. They soon found out it was because Harry was gay and he liked wearing colours as a way to express himself.

Harry was out and proud at school. Sure, there were a few uneducated dickheads who disliked him for it, but not many. Their school was quite accepting. He knew of a few other gay guys at school, but none of them caught Harrys eye. He honestly believed the boys at this school were all either trashy, or younger than him. Harry had always wanted an older boyfriend to take care of him and baby him, but nobody really knew that. He didn't intend for anyone to find out either.

Harry and Niall left Liam and his company in the car, walking towards the school doors. There seemed to be something different about today, but Harry couldn't put his finger on it. Maybe he was just still a little sick or something.

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