I then looked at another drawing that was tucked inside a box; I smiled as I looked at it. It was Harry’s birthday gift. It was a drawing of Hedwig I had been working on and I must say I was pretty impressed with myself. The feathers on the drawing looked almost lifelike, as if I could touch the drawing and feel the softness of her coat. I hoped Harry would like it, even though we weren’t close in this world. I admired him and I knew I would be heartbroken if Dobby was killed. I didn’t sign it, because I was afraid it might come to life. “That would be hard to explain.” I rubbed the back of my head as I tried to imagine me trying to come up with an explanation on why there was an owl flying around the burrow who looked exactly like Hedwig. I placed the drawing back in the box with the small card just as the door opened, I immediately pushed the drawing of the half wand off the desk and into the crevix of the space between desk and wall, hoping no one had seen the mutant drawing.

“Hello! Just making a present for Harry!” I blurted out as I looked to see Ginny standing there, looking at me bewildered.

“Okay?” Ginny responded, “Why do you have the look Fred and George have when they’re caught in mid-prank?”

“I’m not guilty.” I responded quickly as I immediately hit myself in the head. “I mean. I just thought you were Harry and well I didn’t want him to see his present.”

“So you announced you were making a present for Harry, when you thought it was Harry opening the door?” Ginny replied with a sly smile knowing I was hiding something. “Rowan what are you—“

“Want to see it?! Look!” I counterattacked as I immediately shoved the drawing in Ginny’s face and then I heard a gasp. My nerves lessened. “Rowan! This is beautiful!”

“This is, I just... this is so beautiful. I didn’t know you could draw.” Ginny awed as she looked at me, I smiled at my accomplishment of distracting Ginny. Crisis averted.

“Just one of my many hidden talents.” Like predicting the future.

She stared down at the drawing again as she looked at me with curious eyes, “How did you know Harry had an owl named Hedwig? Much less what she looked like?”

I stared at her for a second, befuddled. I hadn’t thought about this. Shit. “Well… you see… Fred and George!” I exclaimed as she raised a further eyebrow. “I mean Harry, Ron and Hermione. You know I overheard them the other day talking about her cause Harry was pretty bummed about it. So um I just listened to what they were saying and I’m really good at picking up details by small things. So I just went from there!”

Ginny stared at me for a while, I knew that was probably one of the lousiest lies I’ve every made up, but I didn’t have time to prepare. Ginny shrugged, “Okay.” “Okay?” I questioned as I looked at her.

“I mean obviously it’s a lie Rowan.” Ginny replied as I stared at her uneasily, “but for some reason you don’t want to tell me how you know what Hedwig looks like and that’s fine. I trust you.”

I wasn’t really sure what to say at this point so I just smiled uneasily. I suck at this whole friendship but lie the entire time thing. “I’m sorry.” Was all I could manage to say at this point.

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