"Hey Nash." I smiled at the guy sitting on the bench outside. 

Nash was a burnout who used to go to Stonebridge. His family lost all of their money when they were caught in an embezzlement case and he never left the area. He was always a stoner, never worrying about getting caught or trying other drugs. Now, he sells to us and anyone else at Stonebridge.

"How's it going girl?" He walked over to me with a smile and pulled me into a hug. He smelt of weed and was clearly high as a kite. 

"It's going good, but a whole lot better now that we ran into you." What can I say, I'm a shameless flirt.

"Shit, you know I got you. Whatever you need, on me."

"I need a a couple ounces, you sure?"

"Of course, I don't think it'll ever be enough to repay you for last year." Last school year Nash got caught dealing and was gonna go to jail. He's a bit of a druggie, but he's always been a great guy so I easily settled the case and paid his bail.

Once we finished up with Nash, we went straight back to the school and started setting up for tonight. In the gym building, the school has a basket ball court, a turf for soccer and football practices, as well as a floor with a pool for the swim team. Our swim team sucks ass, so I'm sure they won't mind getting out of a couple swim practices for the sake of the party.

We set up a two tables for beer pong, two for food, and four for all of the alcohol. We found a few extra tables and scattered them around for whatever was needed. I broke 20 packs worth of glow sticks and scatter them around the bottom of the pool while I made Luca blow up neon balloons until he was wheezing. We took some of the neon spray paint and made different pictures and designs on the walls, and putting neon tape randomly along the small set of bleachers.

"It's already 8:00, what's left?" He asked, looking around at our work.

"Paint, lights, and bubbles."



I took the jumbo bottle of dish soap we bought to the little storage room that hid the pool pump, filter, and everything else. I poured all of the soap into the pump before walking back out and locking the door. While I was doing that, Luca had turned off all of the normal lights and started to cut on all of the black lights we ordered. It looked amazing.

"Whoah." He said, looking around.

"I know." I sighed. "Okay, meet you back here in a few. I'm going to change and talk to Sierra."

We locked up the pool and headed our separate ways. I couldn't believe we were almost done with pulling this off. Normally, our plans never go right, or something else happens causing us to abandon it. The only thing that would make it better was if the twins were here to party with us. Saying Helena is the life of the party would be an understatement.

I walked back to my dorm room but froze right in front of it before walking in. The door was cracked open. I reached for my knife in my jacket, ready to pull it on whoever was in my room. I slowly widened the door, seeing a girl. A girl who made my blood boil as she hung up posters on the left side of the room above her pale pink bedspread. She was singing to some kind of pop music until she saw me out of the corner of her eye and jumped, causing me to jump.

"I was wondering when you would be back!" She smiled walking over to me. She was short, with her blonde hair braided back in two French braids. I could tell by the way she carried herself she was a first year, they were always so bright and happy, not knowing how to chill out.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Kylie, we're roommates. Your Aria Russo."

"I know." I furrowed my brows, walking into the room and looking at all of her stuff. "We're not roommates though. I'm not sharing this room and even if I was, they wouldn't put me with a first year."

"Well maybe there was a mix up, but it's fine. I swear I'm chill. You and your friends can hang out in here whenever you want and I won't bother you guys." I noticed she talked really fast, almost causing herself to stutter. 

"Look, you can stay in here tonight, but I'm going to the headmaster in the morning so I wouldn't bother unpacking." I tell her, grabbing my things to go shower.

"Oh, are you sure? I know I'm a first year but I swear I won't be that bad."

"You already are." I roll my eyes, walking out.

Before I got a shower I walked down to the first floor. I was going to go to Sierra's room, but I found her sitting on the couch, talking with some of the other girls. They all stopped talking when they saw me. We're all rich and famous here, but they're first years at the bottom of the hierarchy. They know not to try pushing the upperclassman. They also know who I am, seeing as my friends and I have quite the reputation.

"Sierra, hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked, walking up to her. She nodded walking with me a few feet away from the group of girls, all desperately trying to listen in.

"Luca and I need a favor."

"What kind of favor..." She asked, looking around hesitantly.

"Relax it's not mafia business. We're having a little...get together, and we were wondering if you could do some paintings for us?"

"What do you want me to paint and when do you need it by?"

"I need you at the get together...so you can paint bodies."



"I don't know, Aria. Mom told me to stay away from you guys because of all the trouble you cause."

"Oh please, your mother has no room to talk when it comes to causing trouble. Come on, it'll be fun. It's an upperclassman party, so it'll make you look cool and you can brag to all of your friends?" I suggest.

"It's gonna take more than that."

"I'll pay you?"

"We're both loaded. Money isn't real to me." I sighed, thinking for a minute.

"You know, I've seen the way you look at my brother." I smirked. " I wouldn't mind setting you two up." Her cheeks immediately flushed. Sierra and Adriano have both had a crush on each other for years. I just hope they'll get together before Adriano turns into a player like Luca did. Maybe they would have an actual shot.

"Fine, I'll do it."


I'm sorry it's boring and kind of dull at the moment but I swear will get to the good stuff soon lol Comment and Vote!

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