"I'm sorry about this." Evi says to Izzie as they meet with Meredith.

"Hey you want me to get you some coffee? Rub your feet maybe?"

"I did not ask for this assignment."

"It's fine...I'm fine with it. Oh, I'm so sorry." Izzie bumps into people who are talking to Derek.

"Dr. Stevens. Welcome back." Derek says. "Meredith? Meredith..." he says to Meredith who was standing beside Evi.

"Sorry it's not like I can leave. I gotta stay by my bosses side." Izzie says.

"Okay, the trailer sucks, but in the light of day the land is nice. Seattle's pretty in the daylight. Plus you have your thing for ferries." Nancy; Derek's sister says.

"Ferry boats." Meredith and Derek correct.

"Right, whatever." Nancy shrugs.

"Meredith, this is my sister Nancy." Derek says.

"Sister? You're one of Derek's sisters?" Meredith asks.

"Well I knew you didn't think I was the wife, seeing as how you already ran her off." Nancy retorts.

"Nancy is visiting from Connecticut. She's on her way home... now. Straight back home." Derek says.

"Well it was nice to meet you."

"Okay..." Meredith, Evi and Izzie walk off as Derek grabs Nancy's arm scornfully.

"McDreamy's sister is McBitchy..." Izzie says.


Evi pulls gauze off a young girl's burnt hand. "Ow. Iz, set me up for debriedment, and dressing." Evi says.

"It's stupid. I know better. When I'm setting up for the bar... I'm a mess. I can't focus on anything for weeks, but tourts and real property and constitutional law." Gretchen says.

"Uh the Biosynthetic ones." Evi informs Izzie.

"We never use those." Izzie says confused.

"We do now. Sloan changed the burn protocol last week." Evi says.

"I was about to start a practice test. I wanted something to drink. So I put on some tea. So I put on a pot of water and forgot. Half an hour into my section on contracts and the smoke alarm was blaring...and well you know the rest." Gretchen explains.

"So you're going to be a lawyer?" Evi asks.

"All I have to do is pass the bar exam. I failed last time...but this time I'm ready. I'm going to pass." Gretchen says

"Good for you." Izzie says.

Moments later Mark enters the room.

"I hear you burned your hand because you were studying?" Mark says to Gretchen while examining the burn.

"Can't be allowed to warm soup within five days of taking the bar." Gretchen says.

"So you burned your hand..."

"While I was burning the soup."

"You grabbed the pot..." Mark tries to piece things together.

"Dropped it, obviously it was red hot..."

"Must have held onto it for a while though. This burn's extremely deep."

"Oh yeah, that's right. I held onto it then I dropped it."

"There are some deep partial thickness burns here. Give her a gram of Cephazol and a tetanus."

"It's too bad really. I did this to my hand. I'm supposed to be taking the bar again on Friday." Gretchen says making Evi furrow her brows.

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