Part 13 "Hardships with curses, karma, and hidden secrets."

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Hell (2nd circle) 7:00 AM
Scarlet's POV
I woke so early that hidden powers told to get up when I saw Vox sleep beside me but I smile at his turn off screen like a mirror and peaceful then all of a sudden an bow shot me out of nowhere so I slash it with my water like hand thus I saw Lavana again so I stop the time and she said "You stop the time have you scar?" I said in swag "Yes I did stop the time and girl let's get it over with so I don't want to wake up my monster brothers and sisters but come at me crazy bitch!!!😡🖕🏻" I saw lava very angry and went berserk on me.
3 hours later
Vox's POV
I woke up with bang and the ground is shaking and scarlet wasn't with me then I saw those two in fight from my window 🪟 yet again so I did enjoy two hot bitches fight each other to rip the tops off then I got dressed real fast and saw the whole thing
No one's POV
Lavana is about to finish scarlet up then suddenly the water counter Lavana's attack and the pink hair huntress is surprised by her eyes turn yellow and scarlet had summoned lots of water 💧 and transformed into unknown beast which is words cannot describe then blue haired woman said "WHO's dumb now? Who's pitiful now?!!" As she shape formed into Neptune's triton 🔱 to destroy the last monster huntress which one of the monsters from hell to clap for the leader of the monsters until overlords went mad and to confront scarlet but their utter shock was priceless when they saw water like creature in the moment came to arrive from seeing scarlet with blank faces as goddess of chaos turn her head to see the moth man and Tv 📺 demon again and one of the them said "Scarlet you're done enough today and let me and Voxy have a turn to fight." The goddess of chaos just nodded and returned all liquids in hell then vanished yet again
Monster market (Snow woman)
Scarlet's POV
Well that's real disappointing for me cause Val and Vox want a turn to fight Lavana this time which is I go figure that they want attention from our monster brothers and sisters in round of applause 👏🏻 so I finished punching in training then I went to work for fashion industry and told my best VIP customers from hell "Fret not Rosie I have all finished the outfit and on the way." I took an random cloth to sew 🧵 into shirt 👕 or pants 👖 while I started to 🎶 quietly until I have speaker 🔈 call from tourism guides ?:"Ms Knight the overlords wants to see you." I answer back "Ok I coming down now." I put my best fighter outfit with my face Bandanna and bandage hands tied up for wrestling match or something when I ice skate ⛸ down where another speaker/doorbell in midway entrance so I'm pumped it up for a fight but in my surprise then Valentino spoke first "Really you have a face mask to covered your beautiful lips from me?" I answer back "I wouldn't say hide and it's for cursed moon 🌙 that the furgus night is one week away but best of all stay out the of way!😡" I was ready to punch 🤜 the moth man but Vox caught me surprised while Val took the bandanna off of my face and saw my mouth in monster frenzy from their imagination 💭 but in reality her mouth was still normal from human blood 🩸.
Valentino's POV
Damn it still no real monster teeth from scarlet and I was about say something to change the subject but suddenly random mother fucker just cut himself from the knife 🔪 and I saw scarlet sense and growl when she sees blood 🩸 then went berserk to attack of the human momentarily Vox and I couldn't believe what we witness the snow woman sucks blood 🩸 like a vampire 🧛‍♀️ and turn into Ice man that I realize all monsters from hell was telling the truth about her until I won't forget her monster like nature on her face covered in blood on her face and body.
To be continued...?

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