Chapter 11- Safe...for now

Start from the beginning

She couldn't see the man's face but her aim stays clear.

"What the hell do you want?" Aria asks

"Only what you want. Like he said, we don't want any harm. Clearly you aren't with them." The man said, still trying to get Aria's foot off of his arm.

"Aren't with who? W.C.K.D.? Obviously. Why are you concerned about them?" Aria keeps her fingers on the triggers as more of the men surrounded the room. Pointing their guns at her.

"Because we are only here to defeat them. Allow me to introduce myself." The man in the shadows said. He stepped out of the dark and into the light.

Aria finally had a glimpse of his face. The guy had one eye white, his veins shaded purple or black, His skin looking in worse condition.

"My name is Lawrence and I'm with the Right Arm. The Right Arm is a organization only to take down W.C.K.D., the organization that put you in their little sick twisted game. I'll explain everything, If you come with us." Lawrence said.

Aria was conflicted on what to do, her eyes go to Gally who was still unconscious. She gazes away from him. Lawrence follows her gaze to Gally. Knowing his next move.

"We can help him. We can make sure he get the help he needs. You can trust us. I'm a business man, I make deals. So here's my deal to you. If you come with us and help us, we can save your friend." Lawrence persuades.

Aria takes a long thought and she releases the pressure off the man's arm. She lowers the gun and helps the man up. The man takes her hand as she helps him up.

"She sure can fight." The man says, wincing at the pain his wrist was in.

"That is Jasper, my right hand man." Jasper shakes Aria's hand. He nods the the men to get Gally off the table and into their transportation. Jasper gathers the supplies.

"I haven't caught your name yet." Lawrence says to Aria.


"Well, nice to formally meet you, Aria. Let's go, we shouldn't waste time when your friend is badly injured." Lawrence says as he guides Aria to the van.


Aria gets in one of the van's as Gally is in another. Jasper offers her some water, which she takes gratefully.

"How long were you there?" Jasper asks

"3 years. Some of us had been there less time than that." Aria replied.

"And who's your friend?"

"His name is Gally." Aria answered.

Jasper asks her questions about everything W.C.K.D. put them through. Aria was answered each one precisely. Eventually they make it to the base.


The soldiers in the second van took Gally to their medical area. Aria was going to follow but Jasper stopped her, leading her to Lawrence's headquarters.

She saw Lawrence hooked up to an IV, she thought this must be what's keeping him steady. He has Aria tell the full story and she does. He even told her what he was. A crank.

"This could be useful for the other base. Jasper, go get her something and then show her to where her and her friend will be staying." Lawrence commands.

Jasper nods and shows Aria their main eating area. It was much bigger than what it was back at the Glade. The building was huge, lots of floors and a wide space. Jasper gave her a tour while she ate.

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