"Hello, I am calling from OOO High. Is AOA still in schedule for our school's festival?"

"Yes. They are."

"Thank you."

"Oh, hello. I am calling from OOO High. Is G-Dragon and Taeyang still in schedule for our school's festival?"

"I am."

"Who is this?"

"I am G-Dragon."

*What the? Did they give me his personal phone number?* Hani thought.

"I didn't want to bother my manager. Me and Youngbae are coming. Don't worry."

"Ah, okay. Thank you."

"Good bye."

Hani waited for the idol to hang up first. The line wasn't disconnected though. She thought it would be mean of her to hang up first so she put the phone on speaker phone.

"Hello, I'm Lee Hani calling from OOO High. Is Teen Top still in schedule for our school's festival?"

"They are."

"Thank you."

"Hello, this SISTAR's manager."

"Hello, I am Lee Hani, calling from OOO High. Is SISTAR still coming to our school's festival?"

"Mm... They are."

Hani grabbed the other phone dialing Jung Joonyoung's number. She sighed as it was still trying to connect.

Another phone rang and Hani answered it. She didn't see who it was since she was busy sighing.

"Hello, this is Lee Hani."

"Hello, I am SHINee's manager."

"Ah, hello. I am calling from OOO High. Is SHINee still in schedule for our festival next week?"

"They are."

"Thank you."

Hani dialed in another phone number after SHINee's manager hung up. She started to hum in happiness since SHINee is coming.

"Hello, is this APink's manager?"


"I am Lee Hani calling from OOO High. Is APink still in schedule for our school festical next week?"

"They are preparing for it right now. Do you wish to talk to them?"

"Ah, I can do that?"

"Yes. They're taking a break right now."

"Ah, then, thank you."

"APink! Hani-ssi from OOO High is calling."

Hani heard footsteps before she heard yelling. She held the phone away from her ear. A small giggle escaped from her lips.

"Hello, I am Lee Hani."

"Hello, we're APink!"

"Hani-ssi, are you out of class right?"

"Uh, Chorong unni?"


"I am out of class."

"Oh, why?"

"I am president."

Praises came from out the phone and to Hani's ear. She smiled as APink talked and praised her.

"Ah, unnis, I have to hung up for now. Let's see each other at the festival."



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