Chapter Eighteen

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I was backstage, feeding Ava, while Beca was a guest on a late-night show. Once Ava had finished her bottle, I walked up to the side entrance where the guests entered the studio. I was holding her in my arms, wrapped up in her little blanket. I could see Beca talking to the host, smiling while talking about having a child. Her smile fell after the host asked if she had already been pregnant when we got back together. I knew she still felt guilty about the whole pregnancy thing. While Beca was answering reluctantly and annoyed, Ava woke up and started crying. I walked away as fast as I could, but it was too late. I heard Beca excuse herself and a few moments later, she was standing in front of me.

"Why is she crying?" Beca asked, stroking over Ava's head.

"I don't know, Becs. She was peacefully sleeping in my arms a few seconds ago."

"Why did you bring her to the guest-entrance with you?!" Now she was raising her voice.

"What did you want me to do? Leave her back there on her own?!" I could understand that she was annoyed and angry about the host asking uncomfortable questions, but I didn't get why she was being so angry with me.

"No. Of course not! You should've stayed back in the dressing room! You made me look like a complete fool."

"You just did that all by yourself." I stated while pointing to her mic, which was still connected. Beca rubbed her face with her hand, turned around and went back out.

"Sounds like things aren't going too well. Are you sure you two should be together? It didn't sound like you two were very affectionate with each other." The host stated. "Did Chloe get back together with you because she wants to boost her career? If so, it's certainly working. Smart move getting back toge-" This host really wanted to provoke Beca.

"That's enough! Stop accusing her!" Beca cut him off. "You don't get to talk about my fiancée like that!" So much for keeping this to ourselves... Beca was standing by now. "You have no idea what's going on between us! Don't ever try to turn us against each other again! I don't ever want to hear anyone talking about Chloe like that!" Beca was furiously gesturing while yelling at the host. Then she turned around and walked directly towards me. I was still holding Ava, who was sleeping again. She took my free hand in hers.

"Chlo, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lashed out at you like that. That stupid host makes me go nuts... Please forgive me. I didn't mean to take it out on you." I could tell she sincerely regretted yelling at me earlier. She tore the mic and transmitter from her body and threw it to the floor. I hugged her tightly and placed a kiss on her cheek after. By now I had been with her long enough to accept that she sometimes acted before she thought about it.

"I'm done with this. Let's go home." Beca said, taking my hand and pulling me to the exit.

"But you didn't finish your interview...What about Aubrey?" I objected.

"I don't care! I'm not going back out there. They can talk shit about me all they want. Let them. I couldn't care less. But I won't tolerate when they talk about you like that."

We went home, put Ava in her room and snuggled up on the sofa with the baby monitor. Beca was so freaking attractive when she was being protective. She was lying between my stretched legs, her back leaning against my front. I slowly brushed some of her hair aside and started kissing her neck.

"You're so hot when you're being protective." I breathed into her ear and nibbled on it. She turned her head and smirked. After making out on the sofa for a while, Beca got up and held her hand out in front of me. I took it and we went to the bedroom.

Beca had been working out 4 times a week after Ava was born to get rid of the belly and since her belly wasn't that big in the first place, she was back to her best shape by now. Not that I would've cared, but I was sure she did. She didn't feel anywhere close to sexy the last weeks. On our way to the bedroom, we lost our shirts. A few minutes later we were lying in bed, making out, both of our chests exposed. I was just praying Ava wouldn't wake up now. Beca was caressing my already hardened nipples; I was so turned on. I moved my hands from her face to her chest and she tensed up.

"What is it, Becs?" I asked with a soft voice, slightly out of breath from kissing her.

"They're just really sensitive, you know?" She said while looking at her chest and then up to me. I nodded and kissed her again. I moved my hands over her side, down to her stomach and then up to her chest. With the lightest touch, I brushed my fingers over her breasts and her nipples. She relaxed and went back to caressing my body.

Later that night, she cuddled into my side, both of us still out of breath. We had just found sleep when I heard a cry over the baby monitor. Groggily I looked at the screen to see Ava awake and crying. Beca also woke up and got out of bed.

"I got this, babe. Go back to sleep."

Beca put on shorts and a shirt, trotted to the door and a few moments later, I could see her over the baby monitor. She carefully held Ava, slowly rocking her to stop the crying. Then she sat down, brushed Ava's cheek with the back of her hand lovingly and lifted her shirt. Over the last week, Beca and Ava seemed to have mastered the art of breastfeeding. Ava was drinking calmly, while Beca was staring at her attentively. I was watching my girls and a smile spread on my face.

I had to admit though, I was a little jealous that Beca could share these moments with Ava when I couldn't. Although Beca was pumping, so I could feed Ava too, I sometimes felt left out. Still, I loved them both from the bottom of my heart. About 20 minutes later, Beca crawled back into bed. I snuggled into her side, kissed her lips one more time and we finally found sleep again. 

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