Chapter Thirteen

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"But I need to tell you something..." After a short pause I continued. "I'm pregnant." I wanted to be honest with her. I wanted to be with her again so badly, I didn't want to mess it up by keeping secrets from her. The smile on her face fell and her eyes widened in shock.

"Why didn't you tell me you're with someone? Who is he? Beca, we cuddled that one night! How could you do this!" She sounded so angry.

"Listen to me. I'm not with anyone. It was some random guy back in L.A. I didn't know anything went wrong until I was late and started feeling sick two weeks ago. I went to my  gynecologist and she confirmed it. I wanted to terminate the pregnancy at first, but I changed my mind last second."

"Why are you telling me this?" She asked with a confused look on her face.

"I don't want to keep secrets from you, Chloe. I love you. I know I messed up, but I would love for us to be family. I know it's a lot to ask, but..." We just looked each other in the eyes. I placed one of my hands on her cheek and she leaned into my touch. She closed her eyes and covered my hand on her cheek with her own. When she opened her eyes again, I slowly leaned forward- giving her the chance to pull away anytime. Slowly I closed the gap between our lips. The kiss was tender and my heart almost jumped out of my chest.

"What do we do now?" Chloe asked me with a smile on her face after the kiss.

A month later, Chloe and I were finally back together, I was about to go to the gynecologist for a check-up. She had needed some time to get used to the fact I was pregnant. Once she had accepted that I didn't do it to hurt her, she had been the most loving person. We hadn't talked about every detail regarding the pregnancy, but the most important part was, that we were back together. I was about to head out, Chloe was sitting at the kitchen island, staring at the screen of her laptop.

"Bye, Becs." She said without looking up from the screen. I grabbed the door handle and opened the door, only to close it again a few seconds later. I walked into the kitchen, stopping next to Chloe.

"Chlo, I want you to come with me." Chloe looked up from her laptop. She was just staring at me with a questioning look on her face.

"Come on. We're going to be late." I told her while taking her hand, guiding her to the door. She stumbled after me, still looking a little confused about what was happening, but her confusion was mixed with joy. Half an hour later we were at the doctor's office. The doctor was currently moving the probe over my abdomen to get a better look at the baby. Chloe was staring at the screen, hypnotized by it. I was staring at Chloe, taking in her look and the smile on her face.

"There you are, little one." The doctor said. She looked over to me from the screen and smiled at me. "I'm going to do some measurements to see if the baby is growing properly. Do you want to know the gender?"

"You can already tell the gender?" Chloe asked a little surprised.

"Miss Beale, a doctor can usually tell the gender of a baby by week 14 of the pregnancy. Miss Mitchell is 15 weeks pregnant, so I could tell you the gender if you want to know." The doctor explained to Chloe, who looked at bit shocked. We hadn't talked about how far along I was. Since I wasn't showing, I suppose she didn't think I was this far already.

"Do you want to know, Chlo?"  She looked at me and shrugged.

"It's your baby, so it's your decision...but I would love to know if it is a boy or a girl."

"We would like to know the gender." I looked at the doctor again and smiled.

"Let me see if baby here, wants to reveal it's gender." The doctor said while moving the probe around some more. "Ah, there we have it. Congratulations, it's a girl."

Chloe was smiling widely at me and I had to smile too. We were having a baby girl. She took my hand and placed a kiss on the back of it.

After the doctor told us that the baby was healthy, we were left alone. I was still lying down, Chloe standing next to me. I removed the gel from my stomach with the paper towels that were tucked into my jeans and gave them to Chloe, who threw them away. I got up and closed my jeans, ready to leave. I stopped for a minute, putting a hand on my stomach, looking at Chloe, who was waiting by the door.

"It's a girl. We are having a baby girl, Chlo-bear." I said looking down at my stomach.

"We?" She said with a trembling voice, coming over again.

"Yes. We." I said while taking her hand and placing it on my stomach. "This baby is going to have the greatest mom." I looked into Chloe's eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes, which were filled with tears of happiness.

In the evening, we were cuddling on my sofa watching television. A big bowl of ice-cream was placed in my lap. I scooped up some ice-cream and held the spoon up in front of Chloe, who smiled at me and opened her mouth. "Hmm. Yummy. I could get used to this." She chuckled. We fell silent again, concentrated on our tv-show.

"Did you tell anyone yet?" Chloe asked after a while.

"No, I didn't tell anyone." I admitted. I hadn't told anyone but my mom. I told her as soon as I knew. She was already in hospital at that time and given that she hadn't had that much time left, I wanted her to know. She was so happy to hear about the pregnancy. I didn't tell her that I didn't want to keep the baby and that I wanted to get rid of it. She died a week after I had told her.

"Wait, I did. I told my mom before she died." Tears were filling my eyes, thinking about my mom. Damn pregnancy hormones. Chloe pulled me into her side, hugging me tightly, kissing the top of my head and I just let the tears fall. I had given up trying to hold them back. I knew with Chloe I didn't have to.

"She's never going to meet her granddaughter..." I said between sobs. Chloe didn't say anything. She was just holding me, knowing that nothing she could say would ease my pain.

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