Chapter Seventeen

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The nurse explained that she had to take Ava now to do some tests and give her a warm bath. I gave Ava to the nurse and looked at Chloe concerned. She knew exactly what I wanted her to do. She closely followed the nurse to make sure Ava was okay. After about 15 minutes she returned to my room, to which I had been brought in the meantime. The nurse was pushing the crib with Ava in it, Chloe following a few steps behind.

"Here's your baby girl. All nice and clean." The nurse left and Chloe sat down next to me and the crib, in which Ava was sleeping.

"Hi." Chloe said with the sweetest voice. She got up and kissed me. I felt like my heart was going to explode right then and there.

"She looks so peaceful." I said looking at Ava in her crib.

"Yeah, she does. She actually really enjoyed being bathed. She was looking at me with her big blue eyes the whole time. But when the nurse started washing her hair and massaging her scalp, she relaxed her little fingers, tilted her head back and closed her eyes." I had to chuckle. She definitely was my daughter.

"Guess she already knows how to have a good spa treatment." I replied still chuckling and Chloe started laughing too. As if on cue, Ava woke up. She was fussing and crying a little. I picked her up and tried to soothe her.

"May I?" Chloe said when Ava wouldn't stop after a while.

"Of course. You're just as much her mother as I am." I turned to Ava again. "What do you say to cuddling with your momma Chloe for a bit?"

Chloe took Ava from my arms and slowly rocked her while humming quietly. She looked at Ava as if she had never seen anything more beautiful. She was born to be a mom. Ava stopped crying and slowly drifted into a deep sleep. Chloe carefully put her down into her crib again. When she was sitting next to me again, I took her hand.

"I'm sorry we couldn't get married today."

"You're not seriously apologizing for giving birth to the most beautiful baby I have ever seen right now, are you? Look at her. She's perfect. This was the best day of my life!"

I was grinning so hard that it hurt my cheeks. Chloe was just too good to be true. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said and seconds later the door opened.

"Hey, Beca. Hi, Chlo." It was Aubrey. She had a bag with her, which she placed next to my bed. "I thought you might want to change into something more comfortable, Chlo. Oh, and I brought your hospital bag, Beca."

"Thank you, Aubrey." I answered for the both of us. Chloe got up and went to the bathroom to change.

"How are you doing so far?" Aubrey asked with a genuine smile on her face. Something I hadn't seen often.

"We're fine, thanks. Do you want to see her?" Aubrey just nodded and came around to the other side of the bed, where Chloe had been sitting. She looked into the crib and smiled.

"She's so cute. What's her name?" She asked, not bothering to look up from the crib.

"Her name is Ava Katherine Mitchell."

"Hi, Ava." She lightly brushed her finger over Ava's cheek, before turning her attention to me again. "I'm going to leave you two to it. I'm sure you want to rest."

When she was about to leave, Chloe came out of the bathroom. They hugged each other and Aubrey whispered something to Chloe I couldn't understand. Chloe smiled and whispered something back.

"Hello?! I'm right here. Just in case you forgot."

"No need to be jealous Beca. I won't steal your girl." Aubrey commented and winked at me before she left. She could be a pain in my ass, but I had to admit, I kind of liked the teasing game we were playing with each other since college. I was tired and struggled to keep my eyes open.

"Get some rest Becs. We'll still be here when you wake up."

I closed my eyes and felt a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Chlo-bear." I yawned before falling asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night. Ava was peacefully sleeping in her crib. Chloe had fallen asleep sitting on the chair next to my bed, her head and arms on my legs. I gently woke her up.

"Chlo." I whispered. "Hey, Chlo. Wake up."

"Hmm. What is it Becs?" She rubbed her eyes and lifted herself up from the bed.

"Go home and get some sleep. We'll be fine." I reassured her. She nodded and tiredly got up from the chair.

"I'll be back first thing in the morning."

"Okay. Now go! And text me when you get home safely." I demanded. Chloe texted about 25 minutes later and I went back to sleep.

I was woken up by a crying Ava early.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm up." I tiredly let her know, although I was sure she didn't understand anything I was telling her yet. "You're probably hungry, huh?"

I picked her up from the crib and lifted my shirt. I needed a moment to remember what the nurse had told me about breastfeeding and how to get a good latch. I was doing it just like the nurse had told me, but it just wouldn't work. I was frustrated because Ava was still crying. I felt desperate, didn't know what to do. Tears were rolling down my face.

"Please, Ava. We have to do this together." I pleaded. I just wanted her to stop crying. I was trying for about 15 minutes now. I was sure she was hungry. She needed to be fed. I was internally freaking out when Chloe entered the room. The moment she saw me, she rushed over to the bed.

"Becs, what's going on? Are you okay?" Her voice was heavy with concern.

"No. Not really." I sniffled. "I can't get Ava to latch properly. Either it hurts, or she isn't drinking. How am I supposed to be a good parent if I can't even feed her? I'm so stupid." I looked down at Ava, who had finally stopped crying, but was still fussing and whining in my lap. Chloe hugged me, careful not to hurt Ava and wiped away my tears with her thumbs. She then sat down on the chair that was standing next to my bed.

"Becs, you're not stupid. Many women struggle with breastfeeding at first. I think Ava just picked up your energy... I think you were too upset and she noticed. Why don't you try again?"

I tried again, just like the nurse had told me and this time it worked. It didn't hurt like the other times and I could actually feel Ava swallowing. I looked at Chloe, who just smiled at me and caressed my cheek with the back of her hand.

"See? You're not too stupid. Maybe you just pressured yourself a little too much."

"I don't deserve you." I stated while shaking my head. 

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