Chapter Ten

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I was talking to some of my fans after my first show in L.A, when I noticed her in the back. "Beca?" I shouted in her direction, but she rushed out of the club. I went after her but could only see a car driving away when I reached the parking lot. Back inside I searched for Aubrey and found her backstage.

"Bree, I need to talk to you!"

"Sure. What is it, Chlo?"

"I just saw Beca." I blurted out.

"Don't be ridiculous, Chlo." Aubrey said, but her expression wasn't matching her words.

"I know I saw her, Bree. What was she doing here?"

"Chlo, it was probably just someone who looked similar." I didn't get why Aubrey was trying to invalidate what I had seen, but I decided to let it go for now. I walked away but heard Aubrey call someone.

"What do you think you're doing?" She said and sounded angry. I wanted to go change into some comfortable clothes, but I stopped when I heard Aubrey's next sentence.

"I don't care if you wanted to see her, Beca. You shouldn't have come here!" She was whisper-shouting into her phone. Normally I wasn't the person to eavesdrop, but I had to know what was going on.

"I can't keep hiding it from her if you pull something like this. Do you know in what kind of situation you're putting me?" I had really seen Beca earlier.

"Keep hiding what from me?" I said while walking towards Aubrey again.

"Chloe." She said looking at me shocked. "I'll call you back." She said into her phone and hung up.

"Keep hiding what from me? Answer me, Bree!" I was furious. Aubrey let out a long sigh while she was running one of her hands through her hair.

"You were right, Chlo. You did see Beca earlier."

"What was she doing here? And what are you hiding?"

"Apparently she wanted to see you. You know how you didn't see her in my office or anywhere in New York City anymore?" She said and I was getting worried. I nodded. "It's because she moved to L.A. a few months ago."

"Why didn't she tell me?" I asked myself more than I was asking Aubrey. "But more importantly, why did you hide it from me?"

"Beca asked me not to tell anyone. She needed space after the breakup. She didn't want to stumble into you. She was hurting, Chlo. I think she still is." She shrugged and I felt tears rising in my eyes.

"I am too, Bree! I'm hurting too and that she moved across the country to get away from me and the fact that you kept it from me, surely doesn't make it easier!" I yelled while tears were falling down my cheeks. We had once been inseparable, madly in love... and now Beca had moved to the other side of the country, just so she didn't have to see me or talk to me anymore. Aubrey just embraced me tightly and held me until my sobs subsided. I was never going to get over her. She was my missing piece.

Weeks passed and I tried to move on with my life. I had formed a stronger friendship with the other Bellas again and from time to time we met for some drinks. One evening in the middle of winter I was sitting in a bar with the other Bellas, all of us involved in a heated conversation, when my phone rang. I excused myself, got up from my chair and went outside to take the call.


"H- Hey, Chloe?" The voice on the other end of the line broke my heart. It was Beca.

"Beca." She was sobbing into the phone and a huge lump formed in my stomach.

"Chlo..." She sobbed but managed to continue quickly after. "I'm sorry. I didn't know who else to call..." She sounded devastated, broken.

"It's okay, Beca. What happened?"

"My mom..." She burst into tears again. "My mom died.." Right after she had sad that, my eyes were filling with tears. I couldn't believe it.

"Becs, where are you right now?"

"I'm at the hospital."

"Here? In New York City?"

"Hmm." That was everything she could answer before she started sobbing again.

"Don't go anywhere. I'm on my way."

The last thing I heard before I hung up was a weak "Hmm." from Beca. I hopped into my car and started driving. I was thinking about it the whole drive. I couldn't believe Kate was dead. I arrived at the hospital about 15 minutes later. When I got out of the car, I could already see Beca sitting on a bench in front of the main entrance. Her cheeks were red and her eyes looked puffy. She was shaking, her legs pulled up to her chest.

"Beca.." I said while sitting down next to her and she just flung her arms around me and sobbed into my shoulder loudly. I just held her, rubbing her back from time to time until she stopped crying. She sniffled a little, wiping away a few tears with her shirt and looked at me.

"You must be freezing. Do you want me to take you home?" I asked with a soft voice. She just nodded and got up from the bench. She was walking to my car as if she was in some kind of trance. I grabbed her bag, which she had left on the bench and got into my car as well. I drove to her apartment and went inside with her. I carefully placed the bag by the door, took my coat off and placed it over one of the chairs at the dining table. After that I followed Beca, who was already on her way upstairs. I suppose she wanted to get into bed. I found her in her bedroom already curled up into a little ball of sadness under the sheets on one side of the bed. When I reached the bed, I sat down on the floor next to it, stroking her hair gently. After some time, Beca pulled out one of her arms from under the sheets and reached for my hand. I took it and gave it a little squeeze. Tears were still silently running down her cheeks.

"I can't believe she's gone..." She whispered and looked at me with sad eyes.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" A nod was her only response for a few minutes.

"She was sick. I didn't know at first." She sighed heavily. "She came here to visit me a few weeks ago, said she wanted to spend time with me. About two weeks ago she started having these strong headaches. I was worried so I took her to the hospital one day. They did some tests and found a brain tumor the size of a tennis ball. After that, she told me she knew for a few months already." She paused and I tried my best not to cry myself. "The doctors in Germany told her they couldn't surgically remove it. I spoke to the doctors here, but they told me the same thing. They gave her medication to ease her pain. And tonight she..." I sighed and wiped away a tear. We sat in silence for a couple minutes before Beca said something.

"Life is too short, Beca. Live it without regrets. Love from the bottom of your heart. Be happy and if you want something or someone, go for it. I know you love her. I love you to the moon and back, baby girl. These were her last words."

"Beca, I am so incredibly sorry." I was still stroking her hair and she was still silently letting her tears fall.

"Thank you for being here." She looked at me appreciatively and a teeny tiny smile appeared on her face. I squeezed her hand and smiled at her.

"If there's anything I can do for you, let me know." Regardless of the circumstances, I wanted to be there for her.

"Can you stay over tonight?" This question caught me by surprise. I didn't really know how to respond and Beca noticed. "Just be there. Nothing else. I just don't want to be alone." I nodded and we fell silent again. About thirty minutes later Beca had fallen asleep. I gently removed my hand from her grip, tucked her in properly and kissed the top of her head, before going to sleep in the guest bedroom. 

You completed me. (Sequel to You saved me.)Where stories live. Discover now