Chapter Twenty

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I woke up with a massive headache the next day. Beca was sitting in bed next to me, looking at her laptop screen concerned. I sat up, kissed her cheek and rested my head on her shoulder.

"Morning, Becs."

"Morning, babe." She said absently. When she realized I was awake she quickly closed her laptop. I had seen an article but couldn't read the headline.

"Do you want breakfast?" She said already hectically getting up, but I stopped her. I had to know what this article was about.

"Becs, you're acting weird. What's going on?"

"Nothing, Chlo. I'm hungry. I'm going to make some breakfast." She wanted to get away, but my grip on her arm only tightened.

"You're not going anywhere before you tell me what's going on here!"

"Fine." She sat back down on the bed and opened her laptop. I looked at the screen and started reading.

*Is she the right person to care for a child?*

Chloe Beale spotted partying a little too hard last night.

StarMag exclusive: Blah, blah, blah... Is she really the right person for Beca Mitchell to have by her side and care for her daughter? The two were spotted at a club last night, intimately dancing, almost undressing each other on the dancefloor. Chloe apparently doesn't know when to stop partying and was spotted throwing up in front of the club, after sloppily making out with her fiancée Mitchell. Looks like she can't even take her of herself. How is she supposed to care for a child? She's seemingly not the best company for Mitchell, who's already leaving her daughter with a nanny to go out and party all night.

I didn't finish reading the article. Tears were filling my eyes and I tried to blink them away. I slammed the laptop shut.

"I didn't want to show you this because I knew it would upset you and make you question yourself." Beca had wrapped her arm around me and pulled me closer. She lovingly kissed my cheek. I couldn't hold my tears back anymore.

"Hey... hey.. babe. Please don't cry. You know this isn't true. You know better. I love you so, so much and Ava loves you too." Beca wiped away my tears and kissed me gently. Once we parted I slightly smiled at her.

"There's your beautiful smile again." She said while looking at me love-drunken.

"What do we do about this?" I said pointing to the laptop in Beca's lap.

"Don't worry about it. Aubrey is already working on it. I called her first thing in the morning."

I cuddled into Beca's side and closed my eyes, just enjoying being wrapped up in her arms for a while. She kissed the top of my head and opened her laptop again. While she was answering e-mails, I drifted to sleep again. I was woken up by a crying Ava. We had picked her up from Amy's last night before going home. Beca wanted to put her laptop away, but I held her back.

"I'm going to take care of her. You need to answer those." I pointed to the 100+ e-mails, that Beca hadn't answered yet and then I left.

I went to Ava's room, carefully picking her up from her crib. I smelled the load she had dropped immediately. I placed her on the changing table and gently removed her pants to change her diaper. I played with her legs, blowing raspberries on her feet and she started giggling. When I had changed her diaper, I picked her up and took her to the bedroom with me. I got into bed next to Beca again, who was still working on her e-mails. I sat Ava down between us and she started babbling, looking at Beca. Beca looked up from the screen and leaned over to kiss Ava's head.

You completed me. (Sequel to You saved me.)Where stories live. Discover now