Chapter Seven

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We had been in Las Vegas for 5 days now and we were only playing one more show before going home to New York City again. It was already 6pm and the show would start in two hours. Chloe and I were on our way to the concert hall to do a soundcheck and get ready. One and a half hours later, we were sitting next to each other while getting our hair and make-up done. Chloe wouldn't be opening this show, we would do the whole show together. I could tell Chloe was just as nervous as I was, so I tried comforting her by blindly searching for her hand to take, while the make-up artist was perfecting my eyeshadow. I could feel Chloe squeezing my hand, glad I was there with her. She had done this for quite some time now too, but she was still very insecure about her talent and being on stage in front of so many people.

Five minutes before the show should start, Chloe and I were standing backstage with my band and Aubrey, who gave us the last details of how the show was supposed to go. My band got on stage first, leaving Chloe and me to ourselves for a little bit.

"I'm so nervous." She said, her whole body shaking.

"Babe, you're going to be amazing. You're always this nervous and every time you go on stage, it looks like you never did something else." Truth is, I was nervous too, but I didn't want to freak her out even more by telling her. "I love you! Now let's go." I said and gave her a quick kiss.

We started the show by introducing the band and performed our duet and some of her and some of my songs when I had an idea. After we had finished a song together, Chloe was supposed to perform one of her songs on her own.

"I'll be right back." I mouthed to Chloe while she had begun singing her song. She just looked at me confused but continued her performance. I ran backstage to our dressing room and searched for the box, in which I stored the arrangements to all my songs. I quickly went through them, until I found what I was looking for. I took the sheets and went to the stage, where Chloe was still performing. I handed one of the sheets to every band member and joined her in the middle of the stage again. She finished her song moments later and I took the opportunity to make an announcement. I knew Aubrey was probably going to kill me for the change I was making right now, but I couldn't have cared less.

"As you all know, Chloe and I have been a couple for quite some time now." I began to tell a little story. The fans were clapping and cheering loudly. "Almost two years. And we have been engaged for 10 months now, but there was a time when neither of us could admit we had feelings for the other." I looked at Chloe, who clearly had no clue where I was going with this or why I was telling them this. "Back then, I wrote a song to express my feelings to Chloe, but I never sang it to her. That's going to change tonight." Again, loud cheering and clapping from our fans. The band started playing the intro, I took a few steps closer to Chloe, who still looked a bit surprised, kissed her lips and then started singing.

You know me the best
You know my worst, see me hurt, but you don't judge
That, right there is the scariest feeling
Opening and closing up again
I've been hurt so I don't trust
Now here we are, staring at the ceiling

I've said those words before but it was a lie
And you deserve to hear them a thousand times

If all it is is eight letters
Why is it so hard to say?
If all it is is eight letters
Why am I in my own way?
Why do I pull you close?
And then ask you for space
If all it is is eight letters
Why is it so hard to say?

Isn't it amazing how almost every line on our hands align?
When your hand's in mine
It's like I'm whole again, isn't that a sign?
I should speak my mind

You completed me. (Sequel to You saved me.)Where stories live. Discover now