The Battle Between Son & Father

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Light start to surround my body forming my knight armor.

Me: I'll give you a fight.

Darkness start to surround dad's body forming a knight armor.

Lightless: Let's see what you made of.

We dash at each other and swing our sword. Our sword clash in front of us.

Me: I'm considering whether I want to kill you or not right now, you know.

Lightless: Well, if you manage to defeat me, I don't care if you kill me.

Group of people start to surround us.

Me: People watching.

A pair of light wing appear on my back.

Me: Let's move the fight to somewhere else.

I push him away little bit and kick him up to the sky. I fly up at him.

Before I can attack him again, pair of wings made of darkness appear behind him and he manage to dodge my attack.

Lightless: If you want to go defeat Shigaraki, you better defeat me fast.

Me: Well, I'm not planning on holding back, anyway.

We dash at each other again. I cut his right cheek while he cut my left cheek.

He try to take some distance but...

Me: Abyssal Hand.

I pull him closer to me.

Lightless: Lightless Area.

Dark area appear around him. All my dark tentacles that enter the area dissapear.

The dark area dissapear.

Lightless: Darkest Assassination.

He dash at me with black trail following him from behind.

Me: Judgement Whip.

A long light whip appear in my hand. I launch it at Lightless. He stop dashing and quickly put his right hand in front of him.

Lightless: Black Hole.

A black hole appear in his hand and suck my whip into it.

I let go of the whip. A sword made of light and darkness appear in my hand.

Lightless raise his sword above his head level.

Lightless: Nightmare Slash.

He send a dark vertical slash at me.

Me: Achromatic Slash.

I send a light and dark vertical slash at the Nightmare Slash.

Both slash clash and cancel each other.

Suddenly someone cut my back.

Me: Aghh!

I quickly turn around and try to attack Lightless but he dodge.

I heal the wound using my light power.

Lightless: You already make your decision?

Me: No, not yet.

Lightless: What make it so hard for you to make decision?

Me: Because you're my father.

Lightless: Huh?

Me: If you didn't married mom, I will never be here.

Lightless: But I'm a villain and you're hero. We're enemies.

Me: Who care about that?

Lightless: Civilians! If you let a villain alive, they won't feel safe!

His eyes went wide after saying that. I smile.

Me: I know it. This is not your choice. I already make research. In the past, you're a member of a gangster group. You had a fight with your boss. He manage to beat your ass. He gave you two choice. Run away from Japan with your family but he will hunt for your or you kill yourself and they won't touch your family. That's why you fake your death. And after that, since your boss thought you already dead, he let his guard down and you killed him.

Lightless: How-

Me: But since you has killed someone, you are ashamed to face your family. You became a villain so I can kill you. You think with that, you can atone your sins.

I start to cry.

Me: You're wrong! I won't kill my own father! I won't kill the main reason I was born! Mom already died, I can't let another person that dear to me die! So please, dad! Stop all of this! I'm begging you!

Dad:*cries* (Y/N), if I surrender myself, what is the punishment that I will get?

Me: If you help heroes to take down LoV, I'm sure the police can lighten your sentence. Or even better, you won't get any punishment.

Dad: Then I'll choose to...

My eyes went wide after seeing what he did.

To be continued...

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