"I think you need to go talk to her Austin. You're leaving tomorrow and I know you, you aren't going to want to leave here with this tension between the two of you and I know that Charlotte doesn't want that either" she said.

"You're right" I said with a chuckle as my head shook back and forth.

"Then go to her, help her understand. Ease her mind even if it means you have to tell her several times. She'll listen I promise. Just be patient and kind and she'll listen" she smiled as I looked up at her.

"Thank you so much Doris. I can't tell you how much we both appreciate you here. And I feel so much better knowing she is going to be here with you when I leave" I said, the both of us standing up as I gave her a quick hug.

"It's a pleasure Austin. Night, I'll see you before you leave" she said as she walked quietly back towards the guest room.

I didn't waste time as I walked back towards our bedroom, letting Doris's words sink in as I took several deep breaths before turning the doorknob. I knew what I was up against—her stubbornness always my least favorite trait about her—and even though I knew it was going to be hard to get through to her, I knew Doris was right. As long as I was patient and kind Char would listen to me.

"Char?" I said quietly, my heart sinking as I saw her curled into a ball in bed, the covers pulled up to her chin as her shoulders shook slightly. "Char can we please talk?" I asked as I slowly made my way over to the bed, not wanting to make any sudden movements wanting to take everything slow.

"What for? You said it all. You're leaving tomorrow, for a month, and I'm here for a month. See nothing left to talk about" she said with a sniff as I sat down next to her, my hand reaching out to rub her back my touch breaking her down even more as she started sobbing.

I immediately laid next to her and wrapped her in my arms, my hands rubbing her back as I placed tiny kisses onto her head. She was an emotional mess right now and to be honest I wasn't quite sure how to address it. I tried to think of what it would be like for her to tell me that she was leaving for a month after I had not even been here for six and I had to raise Austy alone...again. I knew where she was coming from and I knew that she was scared and I had to do everything I could to reassure her that everything was going to be fine and nothing was going to go wrong.

She cried for several more minutes in my arms, my shirt saturated with her tears as I did the best I could to comfort her anyway I knew how. She was scared and she had every right too be given my past, but now it was time for me to comfort her and let her know she had nothing to worry about.

"I'm sorry Austin. I'm a huge fucking mess right now. I know that I shouldn't be so upset about this, it is your job and it's what is going to support us. But, I'm just so scared. I don't want to raise Tabi and Austy alone Austin. Please" she said looking up at me with red bloodshot eyes, her tears pouring from their depths as I slowly shook my head no, my eyebrows raised and my eyes filled with sadness as she poured out her thoughts to me all of them—the bad and the good—hitting me like a ton of bricks to hear them leave her lips.

"Baby girl no" I said before pressing my lips softly against her head. She pulled up a few seconds later looking at me with a sadness in her eyes that I have never seen before.

"Austin how can you just so easily say no after everything that we have been through? We don't really have the best track record" she said with a small laugh. "I mean don't you think I have a legitimate reason to be nervous about this?" she asked.

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