Chapter 1

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I walked threw the town down the road as I see everyone moving on with their lives. I kept walking until I reached the boarder line of the town that I call home. I walk threw it walking down the road a little before running off to Ursula's place. I walked into her apartment to see Gold grabbing something to eat. "Well, I see this life isn't treating you the best" I said with a smile and sat on the couch. "Well, while your sleeping in a nice, comfortable bed, I've been getting our plain ready" Gold said before putting the food in the microwave to warm it up.

Suddenly the door opened and Ursula walked into her apartment. "Ugh" she said and put her keys down just as the microwave beeps. "That means it's ready" Ursula told Gold "yes, I know how to work a microwave, thank you" he says and takes out the food before sitting in front of a computer and eating. "Because the dark one did so much cooking in his time" I said and he cleared at me. "Well, worry not, my power extends far beyond ramen noodles" Gold said. "Yeah, just not in this life" I said "you know, I'm beginning to think you're a lot of talk, a lot of empty promises about happy endings, when all you do is eat my food, sleep on my couch. That better not be the last ramen" Ursula says mad and impatient.

"Do I look like I'm made of money, I work at an aquarium" Ursula said "no, that's not what you do. What you do is complain, you know why" Gold said "because your life, for want of a better term, is crap" Gold said eating. "Hey, are you forgetting who's been taking care of you"? "Not me" I said with a smile "yes, which why don't you buy a house here" Ursula asked me? "Because, me, unlike Rumple can go between Storybrook and this town. Granted I'm not as power as I'd like to be but it still works out for me" "yes and how is that" Gold asked me and I looked at him.

"Wouldn't you love to know" I said with a smile. "Well, providing reheatable noodles and what might charitably be called shelter, no great gift. Certainly not compared to what I'm providing. I'm gonna fix all your problems" Gold says mostly to Ursula "yeah, yeah, yeah, I know you well enough to know you don't care about me" Ursula says. "No, I don't, I care about me. You're lucky our problems just so happen to align" Gold said and alert chimes on the computer making me look over and run over so I'm standing behind him. "You got something" Ursula asks "the beginning" "of what" Ursula asks "the end of our misery. It's time to visit an old friend" Gold said and I stood up waiting for everyone to get ready.

We headed over to Cruella's house seeing people gathered around the house and police carrying things out of the house. "So this is where she lives"I asked "I guess some of us are doing better than others" Ursula said as we stood in front of the mansion. "Look at this, this is too awful. Darling, do we need all these theatrics" she asked a man "were doing better" Gold said as we walked up to her. "Cruella de Vil" Gold said and she froze in her spot "no one calls me that here" she said and turned around to face us. "Well, I'm sorry, dearie, but Cruella Feinberg doesn't have quite the same ring" Gold said. "What in hell are you two doing here"?

"Looking to regain our greater glory. A glory I can soon return to you both, if you join me" Gold says as I stand there "and who's she" "someone whiling to help" I said "I'm not going anywhere with you" Cruella says. "Well, maybe you should" I said "things have changed. Our last time together was less than ideal, but now? Now our interests align once more. You've lost all you have, and so have we. That's why I'm here, to put an end to having everything taken away" Cruella says.

"Oh, not everything" she says and pushes a button as the garage opens, reveling a nice car. "And where are you gonna go with these paltry material possessions" Gold asked "to get myself some less paltry possessions" she says. "An empty pursuit, you're gonna end up right back where you started" Gold says. "I will never go back to where I started" "I can get back everything you've lost and more" Gold says. "You know, you talk a good game, dark one, but can you deliver in a world with no magic where apparently walking is a challenge" Cruella says putting her hand on her hips.

I quickly run up to her making her take a step back surprised "we have some magic" I said and she looks at me. "Who are you" "Bailey, but you can call me Star" I said and Cruella looked at Ursula. "Besides there is magic in this world, you just have to know where to look" I tell her. "I know you don't trust me, but the good news is, if you follow me, you won't have to. Aren't you tired of feeling ordinary" Gold asked her. "Get in" she says with a sigh as we all walk to her car. "Now then, darling, where are we going" "a quaint little town called Storybrooke" Gold says as we get in and drive off.

"So why should I think this new plan will work when all the others have failed" Cruella asked Gold as I sat in the back seat with him. "Our failures in the past have been for one reason, the odds were stacked against us. Now we're gonna change the odds" Gold said "how" Ursula asked "for starts we have a vampire now on our side" Gold said pointing to me. "And more" Gold said "who is this author you keep babbling on about" Ursula asked "his" Gold started "or her" I added "or her book harnesses a great power, one that exceeds anything you've ever experienced, giving villains and heroes what he or she deems just desserts. Our collective frustrations? They're because of his or her's will, not our missteps" Gold said.

"Well, I suppose that's better than blaming bad judgment and gin" Cruella says and we drive up to a drive threw. Everyone orders something besides Gold and I "w ill you hurry up? I'm fairly certain this author's in Storybrooke and if we want to enlist his help, we have to get there before the heroes do" Gold says. I looked out the window, this was getting hard. Everyone was looking for this author when the truth is the author was sitting right next to them.

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