"If the one person that you trusted the most did something so unforgivable, what the fuck would you do? Forgive them and give them a second chance, or let it go and hold the grudge?"

I stared at Emily, then looked at Roseanne, who shrugged, "Your question, not mine."

I felt put on the spot by Emily, my own teammate. So I took one good look at her, then looked at Alexis, who was waiting for an answer. Taking a deep breath, I gave them the answer nobody wanted.

"I don't know."


After the horrendous debate that took place, the rest of us kept on talking for the remainder of the time. Alexis was talking to Chloe and Emily while Rose and I were still discussing the whole forgiveness thing.

"You're a Christian, you should know better, Cameron." She shrugged, "Forgiving is supposed to be a part of you."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, "Wanna go to the toilet? I need some company."

"Need company to go and poop? Alright." I punched her shoulder, "Kidding."

After I alerted Alexis on where I was going, Rose walked out the door with me. We walked slowly because there was no rush, and I wanted to get away from the rest to talk to Rose.

"I know why you wanted me to come with you." She chuckled, "You wanted to talk, didn't you?"

"Yeah, I wanted to sound out on how I feel about you and Terrance dating." I took a deep breath while she stopped walking and faced me, "As long as you make Terry happy, do as you wish."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, I'll allow you to be happy, in my defense, it's none of my business." I shrugged, "But then again, you hurt Terry, I'll personally come and smack the shit out of you."

"Don't worry, Cameron. He's in good hands." She pat my back, "And he's also in good pus-"

"Okay, too much information." We laughed together, before I stopped walking, "Hey, can we stop by my locker? I want to get my hand cream."

"Bet." We walked together to the lockers.

We made small conversation and as we turned the corner, we stopped. There was someone by my locker, slipping in notes quietly.

Rose and I approached slowly, and got closer to them. My short eyesight wasn't doing me any good, so I needed to get a closer look. We walked slowly, and when Rose banged a locker in anger, the person looked up in fear.

"What the fuck?" Rose walked closer to Blake, "Are these...are these notes?"

Blake dropped the rest of the notes on the floor while I backed up slowly, my mouth agape. She looked at me, then Roseanne.

"Cameron, I can explain-"

"I hope this might be the last straw to make you kill yourself, Anonymous." Roseanne read out, "Huh."

My vision became a little blurry as the tears welled up in the corner of my eyes and spilling into the middle. She took a step closer, and I took a few back.

"No..." I whispered, "No..."

"Cameron, please let me exp-"

Rose shoved Blake up the lockers as Blake tried clawing at her face. Rose then threw her to the ground and got on top of her as she screamed at the top of her lungs. I stood there, motionless as people began to crowd the area.

Mr Dale and another teacher separated them while I stood and watched. Blake had a bloody nose and tried to get back at Rose, but Roseanne was too busy opening my locker. In front of everyone, the locker opened, and out came the letters. So many letters fell to the ground, and Roseanne pointed at Blake.

"She's the fucking vandal!" Everyone was silent as Rose tore from Mr Dale's grip, "She did the fucking deeds!"

"Roseanne, please-"

"No, you can't let me take the fall for this!" Mr Dale led Blake and Roseanne away, and she gave me one last glance before leaving.

I stood in the middle of the hallway, still motionless. I rotated, watching the eyes on me. In the midst, I met Alexis's eyes, and she was clutching onto Terry's arm. My breathing quickened, and a stray tear escaped my left eye.

I turned my back on her and walked away, moving to go to the classroom to get my bag. Alexis and Terry followed me, and she stood in my way before I pushed her, watching her face turn from sadness to shock.

"Don't touch me." I snapped, and walked past her.

"Cameron! Please!" I kept on walking to the exit, ignoring the teachers calls and the chatter of other people. I wanted to go home, that's all I wanted to do.

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