
"You alright Dr. Grey?" Bailey asks Meredith as they stand in a hallway. Evi looks to Meredith and sees her looking sick.

"Yeah, Dr. Bailey, I just need to make a choice is all." Meredith says. She looks to an approaching Derek.

"Karev. Dr. Grey, I am clipping a basilar tip aneurism. Any interest." He says. He sees Addison, and pauses.

"Dr. Bailey can I get..." Addison starts. She sees Mark standing in the distance. "Oh my God." Derek follows her view and also notices Mark. "Oh...my...God."

"Oh my God..." Meredith says putting a hand over her stomach.

"Is that..." George trails off.

"McSteamy." Cristina fills in. Meredith throws up on the floor and Bailey runs to her. "Grey?" She asks.

"No Mr. Sullivan don't light that!" George shouts. Mr. Sullivan lights a cigarette, which causes an explosion as he is on Oxygen. Thus, the top half of his body is set on fire.

"Somebody get a fire extinguisher!" Evi yells her eyes wide.

"Call a code red!" Bailey shouts.

"Make sure he has an airway. Sir can you hear me?" Mark says.

"No he's out. Hit his head. Small hematoma in the occipital region." Bailey informs checking over him.

"Get him to the burn unit until he's stabilized and get a CT. GO!" Mark ushers Bailey and Evi off.

"Right away Dr. Come on." Bailey says motioning to Evi.


"What kind of idiot lights a cigarette in a hospital." The chief says irritated.

"Apparently people do idiotic things all the time." Derek says.

Derek, Chief and Mark exchange a glare and Chief walks away, going up the stairs. Derek follows. "Chief. Chief!"

"I thought you were going back to New York." Addison asks Mark.

"I thought it was time for a change." Mark says simply.

"You can't do this. You can't be here." Addison says.

Meredith, Christina, Evi and George watch, pointing and giggling.

"Sure I can. It was easy. Sublet the apartment. Sold the practice." Mark lists off.

"Why do you think I'm here?" Mark asks.

"This...this is why I left you." Addison says.

"I thought you left me for Derek." Mark responds.

Meredith vomits. "Holy crap." Cristina says backing away. "Are you pregnant?" Evi asks loudly. Everyone takes a break from arguing to stare.

"Oh this is just perfect." Addison says. Derek runs down the stairs to get to Meredith. "An adulterous love child."

"Goes along with an adulterous sociopath." Derek says to Addison. "Meredith..."

"Uh uh, you've done enough already." Bailey steps in.

"Meredith..." Derek says again.

"Oh Dr? I finished filling out the paper work. When do you think I can take Shawnie home?" Mrs. Sullivan asks.

Bailey looks rather nauseous herself at all that's going on. "Uhhh..."


Evi and Cristina were with Meredith in a patient room. Cristina was poking around Meredith's stomach and Evi was sitting beside Meredith's bed reading a magazine.

"So who's the father?" Evi asks simply, flipping the page.

"I'm not pregnant." Meredith says.

"I didn't think I was pregnant when I was pregnant either. But the fever, abdominal pain, non-stop vomiting?" Cristina says.

"I'm not pregnant." Meredith says again.

"You don't know who the father is, do you?" Evi asks.

"It would have to be Derek's. There's no way it could be Finn's." Meredith says.

"You haven't had sex with the vet yet? You gotta get out of that relationship immediately." Cristina says looking up at Meredith.

"I can't be pregnant, can I?" Meredith asks the air.

"With McBaby!" Evi jokes looking up from her magazine.

Cristina pokes too hard and Meredith squirms. "Was I this mean to you when you were pregnant?" Meredith asks Cristina.

"I thought you said you weren't pregnant." Cristina reminds.

"She's not. We'll have to run more tests." Bailey says entering the room.

"In that case can I have some morphine?" Meredith asks.

About 30 minutes later, Meredith was high as a kite on morphine.

"You both are a good friend." Meredith says smiling.

"You're so high right now." Evi says giggling.

"Actually, you're my best friends in the whole entire world." Meredith says dazed.

"Now I just feel sorry for you." Cristina says.

"Why? Cause I could die today?"

"This is why I hate being around stoned people."

"If I did die today, I'd only be remembered as the slutty intern who dated two doctors." Meredith says.

"One doctor. One vet." Evi corrects.

"Derek, Finn, Derek Finn. I'd die as the girl who couldn't make a choice, right?"

"Probably, but none of that matters cause you'll be dead." Cristina says bluntly.

"Dr. Grey, you've got a fever, high white count. And tenderness over McBurney's point which suggests..." Bailey says entering the room with George.

"Appendicitis." George, Cristina and Evi say together.

Meredith speaks a little behind the rest. "Appendicitis..."

"Dr. O'Malley, prep Dr. Grey for surgery. You're scrubbing in." Bailey instructs.

"I am? For Meredith's appendectomy?" George asks.

"Uhh... Am I the only one who remembers last time George scrubbed in on an appendectomy? He almost killed the guy. Sorry George." Meredith says. Evi hides her smile behind her hand.

"I don't have to scrub in, Dr. Bailey. I could just... uh... unless you want me to... not going to happen again." George stutters.

"That good enough for you Dr. Grey?" Bailey asks.

"You're pretty." Meredith says to Bailey. They all go to leave. "George! Ice chips."

After George preps Meredith, Evi volunteers to walk her to the OR.

"Ohh on the table keep me draped. Too many people have seen me naked already. I'd like to keep whatever dignity I have left." Meredith says to Evi as they wheel her to the OR.

"McSteamy. McSteamy WOO HOO." Meredith calls.

"Meredith, No!" Evi reprimands.

"Is that what they're calling me?" Mark asks approaching the women.

"Yeah, but I don't think you're supposed to know that." Meredith says.

"He wasn't." Evi says with a light-tipped smile.

"How's my favorite dirty mistress?" Mark asks Meredith.

"Haven't you heard? Now I'm an adulterous whore!" Meredith says proudly.

Evi face palms.


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