The Art of Healing or Hurting?

Start from the beginning

The dogs dashed forward at Germany's command but the dragons weren't very keen on the idea of their summoner being attacked. They collided with a bright explosion that dissipated the smoke but it was to be expected. Instead, it had distracted them from the phoenix that had risen into the air. Their true targets were the scrolls.

"Here it goes," Poland muttered as he extended his wings to the maximum. With a mighty flap, a shredding ring of wind was sent spiraling down to the colosseum balcony and all the students that were gathered at the edge scrambled to get away. Giant gashes were carved into the marble walls and the balcony exploded along with the scrolls, sending waves of dust and rubble tumbling over the edge.

"Whoops... maybe that was a bit much," Poland winced before joining his ally back on the ground.

"Good move," China nodded approvingly, "but it's an unfortunately misguided effort."

He pointed to the broken balcony and when the dust settled, they could see the ink symbols were still there even when the silk scroll had been shredded to bits. They just hovered in the air like a holographic projection.

"The only way to destroy the summoning once it's put in action is to defeat me. So good luck on that."

Poland grinded his teeth in annoyance and shot forward at incredible speeds but a giant orb of light blocked him. It pulsed smaller and smaller and Germany's eyes widened in alarm.


The orb exploded, sending catastrophic shockwaves rippling through the Coloso. Poland tumbled back and Germany jumped forward to catch him before he hit the ground. After helping him back up, Germany looked up to see North Korea standing in front of the Chinese.

"Hey. Don't you dare forget about me."

In all honesty, in the presence of the country ranked second, he was really easy to overlook but that just made him that much more of a threat.

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