Then, what he did next confuses me.

He grabbed a bucket of water from under the table and begun to clean my wound for me with a piece of cloth.

I raised an eyebrow at him and hissed softly when his drenched towel came in contact with my wound. His expression was still unreadable, he was still wearing his straight, serious face.

"Please let my mecha and slugs go," I breathed and he stopped what he was doing. He smiled softly before he continue to clean my wound.

"It escaped," he said, and my eyes widened. "And I'm here to make sure that intelligent beast doesn't get to you."

I smiled softly.

At least Dalinda is safe.

"If you ever make it out of here alive, you have to see a doctor," Twist said, his eyes never left my wound. "One hit at the back of your head and you went unconscious. That's not normal. I didn't even use my full strength on you."

I stayed silent as I watched him. He bandaged my wound before he looked up at me. His eyes met mine and I examined his. He also had blue eyes, but his blue was lighter than Eli's, and they were evil.

I know that for a fact.

He stared at me for a good whole minute, the entire time I didn't know what to do other than to glare at him. His eyes then left mine and landed on my lips.

He raised his hand with his towel and I ducked my head instinctively, shutting my eyes, afraid that he might hit me like Doctor Blakk did, but the impact never came.

My eyes sprung open when I felt something warm against my lips.

He was wiping away the dried blood on my lower lip with his towel that was soaked in warm water.

After he was done, he headed out of my cell with the bucket of water. A second later, he returned with a plate filled with human food.

"Eat up," he demanded as he reached the plate out to me. I looked away.

"I'm not hungry. Give it to my slugs."

"You haven't eaten or drank anything for the past two days," he said as he took a spoonful of food and placed it in front of my mouth.

I glared at him and turned away.

"Get me out of here and I promise you I'll eat."

He sighed, before he placed the plate on the table and crossed his arms at his chest.

"You know, you could've just lied about joining Tad and then betray him. Save yourself," he said and looked at me straight in the eye.

"I will never join Tad," I stated. "My friends are coming for me once they realised I'm missing. I don't need to join Tad to save myself."

"I'm afraid that it may take a very long time," Twist chuckled as he grabbed a nearby chair, placed it in front of me and sat on it.

"Loki and I have been training for the past three years, and he is now independent enough to go on solo missions. He is able to produce an exact replica of anything he wishes, and most importantly, he is able to read people's mind; he can give perfect answers to whoever's questioning him. You may be stuck in here right now, but to the Shane Gang, nothing's wrong back in their little hideout. You, your slugs and your mechabeast are all still there."

I broke eye-contact with him and stared at the ground.

"Why are you doing this?" I finally asked him.

"Doing what? Joining Tad?"

"Why are you being nice to me?"

He let out a throaty laugh, before he said, "Tad entrusted me to keep you alive. If he orders me to kill you, I will do it without a second thought."

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