Episode 5: Shadow of the Panther part 2 (new version)

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When Black Panther left to continue to track down Magnum, Takumi started getting flashes of memories that made no sense to him... memories of him leaping across rooftops as a child, grabbing onto things and climbing them as if he were some kind of parkour master.
"Molto bene. (Very good) Now do it again." A familiar voice said in the memory.

Takumi shook his head and put the strange memory away as he looked for a good way down the building and saw there was a small structure connecting this rooftop to the another one. Takumi walked over to it and started to walk across the structure like it was a bridge of some sort. After Takumi made it to the other rooftop, he looked over at the next building that was in the direction of the Sila Inn. Somehow, as Takumi looked at it... he felt that he could climb it. Takumi jumped onto the next building and grabbed onto a window and started to climb up, making sure to steady himself with any stable foothold he could find. Then Takumi jumped in the air and caught the top of the building and he got onto the roof.  He ran to the corner of the rooftop and saw a door in the next building was open... some kind of kitchen in a high end hotel. Takumi jumped and rolled as he landed and continued to run forward, surprising hotel cooks as he ran past them.

A memory flashed into Takumi's mind as the familiar voice was heard in his head again.
"Takumi... what is the purpose of the Assassin Order?" The voice asked as a young Takumi seemingly responded.

"The Assassins were created to protect the quirkless against people with quirks who use their abilities for evil. The Order started in Italy during the start of the rise of quirks, after many people with quirks were using their powers to abuse the common people." The young Takumi replied.

"Seems you have been paying very close attention. Good. Remember, the protection of the quirkless runs through your veins." The young Takumi heard the voice say as suddenly, Takumi was back in the present, and there was a man standing in front of him with a black hood.

"I saw how you modified your wristband... I saw how you moved through these rooftops... it's finally happening. You're finally beginning to remember." The man in the hood said before he took off his hood and revealed himself to be... Kyo! Takumi's martial arts teacher. Takumi looked at him, stunned.

"Kyo... what are you doing here? What are you wearing?" Takumi asked as Kyo tossed Takumi a white hood, and gave him some weapons.

"I promised your dad I would explain everything to you when you started to remember everything. It was his dying wish. Too bad you started to remember now, since this doesn't look like the best time for explanations. You have a child to rescue while your armor is still deactivated. I have given you weapons... your mind may not remember how to use them but it seems your body will. The knives and smoke bombs are filled with a gas that temporarily deactivates quirks. It is how we Assassins have managed to fight the villains that the Pro Heroes often forget about or do not see." Kyo explained.

"We... what we... I'm not.... I... am I? What am I?" Takumi asked as there was an overload of information in his head. He felt like he wanted to shut down. Kyo put a hand on his shoulder.

"You are a protector of those who cannot protect themselves. You are Iron Man... but you are also your father's legacy... and you are that child's one hope. I wish I could join you... but this is something you have to do... or else your mind will continue to reject what your body already knows... you are a hero in training... but you are also an Assassin.... and your skills are coming back after so long." Kyo replied. Takumi, still unsure, put on the hood... unlike the one Kyo was using... his was white and red and he grabbed a device that seemed familiar to him.

He shot the device and a rope on a hook came out and the hook wrapped around a poll attached to the next rooftop. Takumi swung forward and, after grabbing on to a stable place on the wall of the building he was on, pressed the button for the rope to come back to the device. Takumi put the device in the hoodie's pocket and started to climb up the wall. Soon enough, he managed to climb onto the roof of the Sila Inn. Takumi noticed there open door on the roof. He entered the Inn via the roof entrance and then found a hall of stairs that would lead to the main hallways of the inn. Takumi wasted no time and climbed down the stairs.

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