Episode 32: Technological clash! Iron Man vs Arcade!

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Author note: This chapter has not been edited yet, but I released it anyway because I have kept you all waiting for longer than I expected.

Spider-Man was leading Iron Man and Zhang to the X-Men's location, since he had given Wolverine and Cyclops spider tracers before Zhang was rescued.
"Do you think the X-Men found Arcade yet?" Iron Man asked Spider-Man.

"Who knows? If they did, you would think Jean would let us know." Spider-Man answered. Suddenly, Spider-Man tensed up. This did not go unnoticed by Iron Man.

"Spidey, what's up?" Iron Man asked.

"My spider sense is going off the charts right now." The web headed Pro Hero replied. Then the whole Makluan Temple started to shake.

"What is going on here?!" Zhang yelled before another voice spoke in the trio's heads.

'In short, we found Arcade. Unfortunately, he took off in a giant robot.' Jean Grey's voice explained in the trio's minds.

"You've got to be kidding!" Zhang groaned in disbelief.

'I wish I was.' Jean replied.

"So now what do we do? " Iron Man asked.

'Now we go to the Blackbird and chase him down.' Jean replied before the X-Men's path crossed with Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Zhang.

"We got to find a way out of here before Arcade gets too far." Cyclops stressed. Iron Man looked at the Makluan Temple robot guards.

"You heard the man. We need a quick way out." Iron Man told the robots, knowing that they would now respond to his words.

"Right this way, worthy one." One of the robots replied.

It took the heroes what felt like mere moments before they exited the Makluan Temple and made their way to the X-Men's Blackbird. Thanks for the robot guard, exiting the temple was as fast as it felt. Once they were on the Blackbird, Iceman started to inform Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Zhang of something important.
"Spidey, we tossed one of the spider tracers you gave us at Arcade's robot. Unless he somehow found out about the tracer and destroyed it, you should be able to track him."

In response to this, Spider-Man concentrated and stretched out his spider sense as far as it could go.
"Pay dirt! Start flying the Blackbird straight ahead! Arcade hasn't gotten very far." Spider-Man instructed the X-Men.

Meanwhile in Arcade's robot:
"These heroes ruined all my plans in Murderworld! Especially that surprise last minute guest, Iron Man! However, Principal Nezu at UA made a mistake when he, no doubt, asked Iron Man to reveal his identity to the world as a show of UA's strength following that villain attack on their facilities. The mistake being that he opened the doors for everyone who Iron Man challenges to make things personal. And it looks like Takumi Sakai's childhood home is nearby! Time to see how Iron Man feels when it's HIS home being destroyed." Arcade thought out loud.

Iron Man payed close attention as he started to recognize the land they were flying above. This, of course, was not lost on Jean Grey, as she could feel his anxiety rising.
"Is something wrong?" Jean asked.

"Under normal circumstances, I'd be thrilled to be here. Grimy slum or not... home is home... but right now, we are chasing a professional killer that makes literal killer amusement parks. One who is currently piloting a giant robot like he's a Power Rangers SPD villain. I have a bad feeling about this." Iron Man replied.

'Did you seriously compare Arcade piloting a robot to Power Rangers? Even I know that the monsters in Power Rangers grew after being defeated. This is NOT like Power Ranger.' Spirit Tony pointed out in Takumi's mind.

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