Episode 2: Calm before the next storm

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As Takumi walked to school the day after he helped Black Widow, he was singing to Michael Jackson's Baby be Mine, taking some time to stop and dance a bit before continuing onward.

"Never took you as a dancer. And... you really are a great singer, you actually sound like Michael Jackson." A new voice said behind Takumi, surprising him out of his vibe. Takumi turned around in horror to see that the person who had caught Takumi in his vibe was Kyoka Jirou.

"Oh, right... you must be one of my new classmates... I'm Takumi Sakai, other wise known as Iron Man..." Takumi replied awkwardly with his hand extended to initiate a handshake. Jirou laughed as she shook his hand.

"I'm Kyoka Jirou... and yeah, I'm one of your new classmates in Class 1-A. So... where did you learn to sing and dance like that?" Jirou asked, clearly not expecting to meet another music lover in her class. Takumi nervously chuckled as they started to walk together to UA.

"Even though I'm Japanese, my Dad was transferred to work in America, and I spend most of my life living in America. While I was going to school there, there was this girl that I thought was pretty cool... she was a dancer and I was TERRIBLE at dancing, so she agreed to teach me, and I honestly originally only agreed to try and impress her. As for singing and guitar playing... I never remembered a time when I didn't do that. So one day, that same girl heard me sing Michael Jackson's Thriller and dared me to try learning some of Michael Jackson's dance moves... then I became a pretty well known Michael Jackson impersonator in my town after I got good at it." Takumi explained with a look of embarrassment. Jirou shook her head in amusement.

"And all of that was originally for a girl?" Jirou teased. Takumi chuckled.

"I was a dumb kid." Takumi replied. As the two kept walking, they saw Fumikage Tokoyami.

"Hey... you must be one of my other new classmates... Tokoyami, right?" Takumi asked. Tokoyami nodded.

"Yes. And you're the infamous Iron Man, right? I'm surprised you didn't fly to school." Tokoyami replied bluntly, but not rudely.

"Now that you mention it, why are you walking to school today?" Jirou asked. Takumi chuckled before he answered.
"With the city having so much focus on Iron Man recently, I just... kind of wanting to take a few moments for me to just be me before class."

Jirou nodded. She never really thought of what it would be like whenever her hero name becomes well known. Nor did she ever think about how she would possibly take the time to just be herself after becoming a pro.

Soon enough they reached UA, where they heard a loud yell.
"TAKUMI SAKAI!!! WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME YOU GOT TRANSFERRED TO THE HERO COURSE?!" The voice of Mei Hatsume yelled in the distance. Takumi's face paled... he forgot to tell her and she sounded pissed! Not to mention the fact that she wasn't tinkering around with her tools for making support items, which meant she now had her undivided attention on him!

"Gotta go!" Takumi told his new classmates as he ran, being chased by a pink haired girl with a giant gun.


"MEI, I CAN EXPLAIN....." Takumi yelled before Mei fired the giant gun and out came a missile the size of a Bullet Bill from the Super Mario series! The issue was... it didn't actually fly very far.

Iron Man: My Hero Academia Season 2Where stories live. Discover now