Episode 17: The clash of technology and nature!

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As Takumi waited in the waiting room, he didn't have his mind on his match that was coming up. No, his mind was still shook from the fact that someone or something had saved Ultron before his ultimate demise at the mind stone of the Vision, and brought him into this world. Now Tony Stark's greatest mistake was poised to haunt a whole new world... and it was gunning for him. The ultimate failed creation of Tony Stark had declared war on Tony Stark's newest attempt to create a positive legacy.
"Well, you look down in the dumps. You doing ok, kid?" The voice of Spirit Tony asked before Takumi looked up to see his ghostly mentor.

"You are about to have the biggest shock of your afterlife." Takumi replied before he told his mentor everything about what had happened in the forest and how he, Aizawa, and Tsukauchi discovered that Ultron had been brought to this world. Spirit Tony's eyes widened. Last time Ultron was around, it took all of the Avengers to stop him from wiping out humanity, alongside Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, and the newly created Vision! The Avengers don't exist in this world... All Might, for as powerful as he is, would not be able to stop Ultron single-handedly, not with his buff form only being usable for a short amount of time.

"Look, you were right about one thing, we don't have the means to make the first move, so you'll have to put that to the side and focus on the match you have ahead of you. I know that sounds weird... but the sooner we get past the chapter in your life, the sooner we can try to get you a provisional license. Then we can look for Ultron any time we need to after your classes, assuming he gives us that time, and if he strikes before that we will cross that bridge when we get to it." Spirit Tony assured his student. Takumi nodded.

"Right, I gotta focus on the match. The teachers will have finished fixing the arena in a few minutes. So, let's think through it. My opponent is Ibara Shiozaki, a hero student from Class 1-B. Her quirk is Vine, and from her match with Kaminari earlier, it's clear she has great control over her quirk. She can detach those vines on her head and use them to attack or bind opponents from far away, but because of this, she may not be as good at fighting up close and personal." Takumi said, forcing himself to stop thinking about Ultron and start refocusing on the situation he could do something about... proving that his spot on the hero course isn't a wasted spot.

"Hey kid, I've been watching this world for a while now, and we both know how people are often defined by the strength of their quirk... how people like us, who have no superpowers are often made lesser in this world. In my world, there were quite a few heroes like us... heroes with no powers who pushed themselves to the very limits to keep our homes and families safe... this sports festival will help you prove that you can be that for this world... so let's make sure you give it your best and send a message to Ultron that you'll be ready for him. Anyone who calls themselves 'Iron Man' has stepped into a world where they can't let the odds overwhelm them. We push through and we fight to win. You got that?" Spirit Tony instructed. Takumi nodded.

"I got it." He replied with a determined smile. Spirit Tony was right. This was his chance to show the world his potential... to make a statement, that with intelligence, determination, and even a little bit a luck, a quirkless person can become a hero.

A bit later:
The arena was now repaired and the crowd was cheering as loud as they could.
"And we're back to the craziness of the Sports Festival tournament. In this match, we got the quirkless sensation who has been using some crazy tech to challenge his powered peers and make it this far into the competition. Please welcome, the hero course's resident black horse, Takumi Sakai from Class 1-A!" Present Mic announced. The people cheered, Takumi took a moment to smile and wave at the crowd.

"His opponent, however, is no delicate flower, despite her nature based quirk. She's been training hard and she has already shown to be a efficient combatant with how she effortlessly dealt with Class 1-A's Denki Kaminari, please give a warm welcome to Ibara Shiozaki!" Present Mic yelled and the crowds went wild again.

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